Alwar Slum (2020) 絵画 Michel Testard によって

紙のアクリル, 11.8x16.5 in
プライス: 送料無料

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A number of tents in a field, in the outskirts of the city of Alwar in Rajasthan. It is not a camp, it's a slum. Full of people, colors, movements, noise and smell.This is India as well.I felt that this camp, seen from an ancient tower nearby, looked like an abstract composition. I have made other paintings inspired by slums, notably[...]
A number of tents in a field, in the outskirts of the city of Alwar in Rajasthan.
It is not a camp, it's a slum. Full of people, colors, movements, noise and smell.This is India as well.I felt that this camp, seen from an ancient tower nearby, looked like an abstract composition.
I have made other paintings inspired by slums, notably the Daravhi slum of Mumbai



I work between the Val du Loir, Paris and India where I had been living for twenty years and from which I draw most of my inspiration. Venerable ruins, mysterious interiors, prolific jungle, shimmering colors[...]

I work between the Val du Loir, Paris and India where I had been living for twenty years and from which I draw most of my inspiration. Venerable ruins, mysterious interiors, prolific jungle, shimmering colors and above all the people of India, so diverse and full of humanity.

My work comes from wandering travels throughout twenty states of India, by train, car and motorcycle. I used to make quick sketches or took photos of the scenes, events which stroke me and I transformed them into paintings when back in my studio.

Originally a business consultant, I am essentially self taught in painting but also trained by the Ateliers de la Ville de Paris. I started to show my work in India, then moved back to France. Critics see my work as non conceptual but imaginative, spontaneous and somewhat eclectic. I do draw some inspiration from Masters like  Manet, Matisse, Valloton or Gauguin.

Michel Testardからもっと見る

紙のマーカー | 11.8x16.5 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 59.1x59.1 in
紙のアクリル | 11.8x9.5 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 39.4x27.6 in

