Au 36 (2019) Painting by Michel Millet

Oil on Linen Canvas, 24x19.7 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 24in, Width 19.7in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Figurative
Œuvre réalisée suivant la technique du trompe l'œil de chevalet. Le travail consiste en une forme de peinture visant à créer par des artifices de perspectives d’ombres et de lumières, l’illusion d’objets réels en relief. La performance est de faire naître le relief d’une chose parfaitement plane. Je me dois de respecter quelques règles fondamentales[...]
Œuvre réalisée suivant la technique du trompe l'œil de chevalet.
Le travail consiste en une forme de peinture visant à créer par des artifices de perspectives d’ombres et de lumières, l’illusion d’objets réels en relief. La performance est de faire naître le relief d’une chose parfaitement plane. Je me dois de respecter quelques règles fondamentales comme :
Peindre toujours d’après nature.
Reproduire les objets grandeur réel.
Ne pas couper ni fragmenter les objets représentés.
Peindre sans trace de pinceau créateur.
Pendant la période de création d’une œuvre, mon regard circule entre la toile et le sujet pour rendre les effets de la lumière, les formes, les textiles jusqu’à les rendre palpables.
.... Thème : Sur la police au quai des orfèvres à Paris.

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Quai Des Orfèvres.

Automatically translated
Michel Millet, a contemporary French artist, traces his artistic journey back to his roots in Vertus, Champagne. In 1965, he relocated to Epernay, where he embarked on his first[...]

Michel Millet, a contemporary French artist, traces his artistic journey back to his roots in Vertus, Champagne. In 1965, he relocated to Epernay, where he embarked on his first canvas painting, drawn to the allure of still lifes and the expression they offered for his sensitivity, perfectionism, and delicacy.

Joining the CREER group in 1971, Millet began to gain recognition among the public in Epernay, Marne. His breakthrough came in 1988 when Yvon Gattaz, former President of the National Council of French Employers, was captivated by one of his works, which was subsequently showcased in the United States.

In 1989, Millet relocated to Antibes on the Côte d'Azur, where his artistry evolved, particularly in the realm of trompe l'oeil, or optical illusion painting. Embracing this challenging style, Millet honed his craft, garnering acclaim and accolades through significant exhibitions across the South of France.

In 1998, Millet made another move, settling in Sorde l'Abbaye in the Landes region, where he continued to exhibit his work both nationally and internationally. Since April 2008, he has resided in the Var, specifically in the town of Muy, where he remains dedicated to his artistic pursuits and engages in exhibition projects within the region.

Beyond his own artistic endeavors, Millet shares his expertise by teaching drawing and painting lessons through the Cré-Activ du Muy association, enriching the artistic community with his passion and skill.

See more from Michel Millet

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Oil on Linen Canvas | 13.8x10.6 in
Oil on Linen Canvas | 18.1x13 in
Oil on Linen Canvas | 24x19.7 in
On Request


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