2 Sailors in a Bar (2021) Pittura da Michael Kent

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Venditore Michael Kent

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27,04 USD
46,51 USD
100,60 USD
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Venditore Michael Kent

Licenza digitale

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32,00 USD
130,00 USD
270,00 USD
Risoluzione massima: 3660 x 2440 px
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Venditore Michael Kent

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Pronto da appendere
Questa opera è incorniciata
Montato su Altro pannello rigido
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Olio su Cartone
  • Dimensioni 29x41 in
    Dimensioni dell'opera da sola, senza cornice: Altezza 24in, Larghezza 36in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera è incorniciata
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD Espressionismo Vita di ogni giorno
Two French sailors hanging out a bar tended my a fetching maid, while another woman folds a table cloth in the back A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Olio [...]
Two French sailors hanging out a bar tended my a fetching maid, while another woman folds a table cloth in the back
Tradotto automaticamente
                            MICHAEL KENT, PAINTER   Michael Kent was barely old enough to stand when his father set him up with a brush, tubes, a palette, and paper, and said: "Paint!" Despite[...]

                            MICHAEL KENT, PAINTER


Michael Kent was barely old enough to stand when his father set him up with a brush, tubes, a palette, and paper, and said: "Paint!" Despite the occasional foray into other realms, Kent has complied ever since.

         Born in France in a family of New World expatriates, he studied art there and in Brunswick, Maine where he perfected his sense of color and draftsmanship. It was however a couple of photography classes, taught by John McKee, which were to have the greatest influence on his sense of composition and subject matter.

         A parsimonious exhibitor, he has nonetheless shown his works in Rockport, Massachusetts, Georgetown's defunct Biograph Theater, the A-Salon Gallery, Del Ray Artisans, M.O.C.A., at the Alliance Française of Washington, the bookstore Chapters, and the perenial Artomatic. His works can be found in private collection on three continents.

         Kent perceives himself as a twentieth/twenty-first century realist in the American tradition somewhat influenced by Hopper and The Ashcan School--who themselves claimed to be the heirs of Honoré Daumier.

         In his work, which reflect a taste for travel, he attempts to describe, squeeze out the mystery of everyday life, showing compassion for the characters and their settings. Light and atmosphere play an important role in works which sway between realism and surrealism at times laced with humor.

         A Washingtonian for over 30 years, Kent has also illustrated his three semi-autobiographical novels: The Big Jiggety, Pop the Plug and All of the Night. On weekends, other than explore the world on foot, bicycle or automobile, or face the easel, he sometimes plays guitar with a couple of friends.

Vedere più a proposito di Michael Kent

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Olio su Tela | 30x24 in
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Olio su Tela | 15x30 in
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Olio su Tela | 24x18 in
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Olio su Tela | 15x30 in
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