Cry boy (2022) Digital Arts by Martín Sigwald

Digital Arts, 11.8x9.5 in
Price: Free Shipping
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Shipping from: Spain (Box or cardboard packaging)
14-day return policy
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The Roy Series is based on figures made with the works of the great American artist Roy Lichtenstein, offering an update of his pop language. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles [...]
The Roy Series is based on figures made with the works of the great American artist Roy Lichtenstein, offering an update of his pop language.

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Martín Sigwald is a contemporary Spanish artist whose unique and original work reflects a lifetime dedicated to art, photography, graphic arts, and advertising. His artistic[...]

Martín Sigwald is a contemporary Spanish artist whose unique and original work reflects a lifetime dedicated to art, photography, graphic arts, and advertising. His artistic evolution is marked by a rich plasticity, setting him apart as a distinctive figure in the art world.

Sigwald's creations are imbued with symbolism and conceptual freedom, employing a variety of techniques and languages to provoke new interpretations and reflections. His central aim is to redefine images and spark contemplation in the viewer.

The Islam Smile Series, All You Need is Love, America Bang's First, Cov19 Tribute, The Order of Factors, as well as the recent PantoneMatch®, ColorMatch®, and Fuck Your Moral, showcase Sigwald's creative abundance and ownership of his own iconography. Through his art, he challenges our visual perception and prompts discourse on universal themes. Sigwald's art has garnered recognition internationally, earning him a place in private collections across Europe, the USA, and Asia.

See more from Martín Sigwald

View all artworks
Digital Arts | 11.8x9.5 in
Printmaking on Paper | 11.8x9.5 in
Digital Arts | 11.8x9.5 in
Printmaking on Paper | 9.1x19.7 in


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