Artist's weapon (2022) Pittura da Mariya Volynskih

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Venditore Mariya Volynskih

Carta per belle arti, 8x8 in

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33,26 USD
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Banca d'immagine d'arte
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Acquarello / Gouache / Carta su Carta
  • Dimensioni Altezza 11in, Larghezza 11in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Impressionismo Tecnologia
The aesthetic of ruins is the moment in which nature and time have left their mark forever. The collection was created using gilding and the unique pigment PbK11 - iron oxide, which provides granulation of paints to simulate rust. A proposito di quest'opera:[...]
The aesthetic of ruins is the moment in which nature and time have left their mark forever. The collection was created using gilding and the unique pigment PbK11 - iron oxide, which provides granulation of paints to simulate rust.

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My works touch on the theme of cultural memory and aesthetics of the past. The art of the past can be reinterpreted within the framework of modernity and force the viewer to look into the depths of centuries.

My works touch on the theme of cultural memory and aesthetics of the past. The art of the past can be reinterpreted within the framework of modernity and force the viewer to look into the depths of centuries.
The textures of ancient frescoes, the monumentality of antique sculptures, the coloring of Renaissance book miniatures - all this became a source for my creative practice.
The combination of elements of graphic drawing, painting and collage helps to achieve the depth of the hospice layer. To convey the effect of "fragility", charcoal, corrugated cardboard and other types of paper are also used in the work.
The reworked images of various art trends create a dialogue between tradition and modernity.

Member of the International Watercolor Association (IWS).
Resident of Carre d'artistes International Gallery (France).
Member of the Union of Watercolors of Russia.
Member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia.

Vedere più a proposito di Mariya Volynskih

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