Games of Gods (2024) 絵画 Marina Fedorova によって

キャンバスのオイル, 35.4x31.5 in
プライス: 送料無料

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A painting from the series "The Game of the Gods". The beauty of the game of men and women. The sensual mood in the painting evokes joy and stirs the blood. The elegant mood of a couple in love, the aroma of fruits and wine, perfumes. I wanted to show how important it is to pay attention to each other in a couple and how many[...]
A painting from the series "The Game of the Gods".

The beauty of the game of men and women. The sensual mood in the painting evokes joy and stirs the blood. The elegant mood of a couple in love, the aroma of fruits and wine, perfumes. I wanted to show how important it is to pay attention to each other in a couple and how many interesting things are hidden in a loving mood. The feeling of novelty, delight and flight is a novelty in life.. I want to convey to the viewer a state of joy and a desire to go on feats.
I sell a thirst for life that allows you to conquer the world  Marina Fedorova is a contemporary artist from St. Petersburg. I have been painting for as long as I can remember. Back in high school I graduated[...]

I sell a thirst for life that allows you to conquer the world 

Marina Fedorova is a contemporary artist from St. Petersburg. I have been painting for as long as I can remember. Back in high school I graduated from a special art school with strong teachers. I still remember the instructions of my painting teacher, which strongly influenced my vision of artistic images.  Further studies went smoothly to the St. Petersburg Stieglitz Academy of Painting. A little later - to the Academy of Painting and Applied Arts in Savonlinna (Finland). And, of course, an unforgettable training with the genius of modern impressionism Bato Dugarzhapov.

Her early oil paintings are influenced by her favorite French artists: Van Gogh, Rousseau, Monet, whom she studied in France.

Life's intricacies led me to an interesting period of working as a successful interior designer.

Creating paintings is an inspiration for me. And a constant evolution.

Currently and for a long time, the subject of my work is female images and portraits.

Female energy is something special and magical.

 One of the main properties of female energy is wisdom.

Women are able to transform ordinary things into something special, transforming the world around them.

And also the naked female form as a symbol of truth and eternal inspiration.

Female energy and success in life are inextricably linked. Women have unique qualities that help them reach the heights. Women are a source of inspiration and strength.

As it is said in ancient Tibetan scriptures: no one can resist female energy.

According to ancient philosophy, everything in this world is interdependent, we influence many things to the same extent as they influence us.

And it's all driven by feminine energy.

The paintings are made in oil and acrylic in the author's technique with the support of academic knowledge.

The portraits occupy a special place.

They are unique because they are more personalized and therefore more powerful.

With my paintings I convey to the viewer those emotions, that powerful beautiful femininity and energy that energize success in life.

The meaning of paintings is very deep.

And, being engaged in spiritual practices and studying energy, I unite these aspects and transfer them to the canvas with the help of colors, so my paintings are charged with the energy of success.

Since 2007 I have been actively engaged in creative work.

Member of the Union of Artists since 2018.

My works are in private collections in the USA, Europe, Finland, singer Harry Newman.

Since 2007 annual exhibition at the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

Since 2008 annual summer exhibitions in Finland. 2009 joint exhibition of artists in Portugal.

Annual participation in international and Russian exhibitions

2017 Flux, exhibition, London

2017 Gloch Art Festival, Moscow

2018 Artis Gallery, St. Moritz, Switzerland

Christmas Art Fair 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia

2022 Art Fair Tbilisi 2022 Art Innsbruck.

My paintings are represented in various international galleries.

Marina Fedorovaからもっと見る

キャンバスのオイル | 35.4x27.6 in
キャンバスの製版 | 29.5x25.6 in
キャンバスのオイル | 31.5x27.6 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 9.5x9.5 in

