The Power of Love (2023) Painting by Mariclair Plante

Acrylic on Canvas, 48x48 in
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Seller Mariclair Plante

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork appears in 11 collections
The artist has outdone herself again with this painting. A picture is worth a thousand words! What could be more beautiful and more noble than love? Pure love, whether it is simply being in love with another or with life, this powerful force is useful in all situations. Love is a feeling that gives wings. A work with a distinctive abstract form,[...]
The artist has outdone herself again with this painting. A picture is worth a thousand words! What could be more beautiful and more noble than love? Pure love, whether it is simply being in love with another or with life, this powerful force is useful in all situations. Love is a feeling that gives wings.
A work with a distinctive abstract form, whose tension and liveliness are built up by gestural and spontaneous work. Brushes, rollers, drips, spatulas, fingers, everything is used to express positive emotions. The painting was worked on gallery canvas using mixed techniques with structural mortar, acrylic, aerosols, acrylic, ink, pastels, pencils. The sides are painted and a protective varnish against dust and UV rays is applied

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Marie-Claire Plante, known by her artist name Mariclair, is a contemporary and award-winning Canadian painter whose artistic journey has been shaped by her diverse experiences and[...]

Marie-Claire Plante, known by her artist name Mariclair, is a contemporary and award-winning Canadian painter whose artistic journey has been shaped by her diverse experiences and creative exploration. Born in the idyllic setting of Ste-Anne de la Rochelle, Quebec, she later settled in Sherbrooke in 1980, where she began to nurture her passion for painting.

Plante's early artistic endeavors centered around watercolor, focusing on rural landscapes in the 1990s. Transitioning to oil painting in the following years, she delved into the realm of character studies and portraiture, honing her skills and expanding her artistic repertoire. However, it was in the 2000s that her artistic vision truly blossomed, as she embraced acrylics and abstract art, departing from traditional academic paths to forge her own autodidact journey.

Preferring non-figurative art, Plante's exploration of abstract expressionism reached its apex around the 2010s, following a transformative workshop on creative thinking with the painter-sculptor Laurent Bonet. This experience allowed her to fully unleash her emotions on canvas, resulting in thematic collections such as "Vision," "Energy," "Perception," and "Emotion." Through vibrant and expressive gestures, Plante delves into profound aspects of the human experience, offering viewers a continuous journey of experimentation and self-discovery.

Over the years, both individual and collective exhibitions have served as platforms for Mariclair to showcase her talent and captivate audiences on an international scale. Since 2012, her success has been further solidified by prestigious awards, exhibitions, and global artistic collaborations, including her participation in an Art Battle in Tunisia alongside a renowned local artist.

Represented by esteemed galleries, Plante's reputation stands as a testament to the quality and relevance of her artistic endeavors. Her work continues to resonate with collectors worldwide, inviting them to explore the depths of human emotion and experience through her unique artistic language.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

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