MILES (2020) Painting by Maggie Romanovici

Acrylic on Canvas, 24x24 in
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Seller Maggie Romanovici

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Max resolution: 2581 x 2571 px
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Maggie Romanovici

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 24in, Width 24in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract Music
This painting is dedicated to the giant jazz trumpet player, Miles Davis. The trumpet appears faded in the bluish smoky silvery background suggesting a jazz atmosphere and Miles's fascinating interpretation. I used texture and silver leaf for the trumpet, so it glitters a bit in the smoky atmosphere. It is carefully glossily varnished for[...]
This painting is dedicated to the giant jazz trumpet player, Miles Davis. The trumpet appears faded in the bluish smoky silvery background suggesting a jazz atmosphere and Miles's fascinating interpretation. I used texture and silver leaf for the trumpet, so it glitters a bit in the smoky atmosphere.
It is carefully glossily varnished for full protection against UVrays and dust, and it has the necessary gear to be placed on the wall.

Related themes

MusicMiles DavisTrumpetModernSilver Leaf

Maggie (Magdalena Mateescu) Romanovici was born in Romania, during the Communist dictatorship. In a closed society, there was an attraction to the arts and culture in general, as the only escape in life. Maggie[...]

Maggie (Magdalena Mateescu) Romanovici was born in Romania, during the Communist dictatorship. In a closed society, there was an attraction to the arts and culture in general, as the only escape in life. Maggie showed a natural inclination towards drawing and colored pencils early on. In elementary school, teachers noticed that Maggie was very talented at drawing. Her father, also having had a penchant for painting, exerted an important influence on the artistic development of his daughter.

Maggie began to attend art school. Here, for six years, she formally learned drawing, watercolor, oil painting, and whatever else the school curriculum contained. Then she continued to hone her skills in private lessons with consecrated local painters. Her first participation in an exhibition was at age 12, with an oil painting. Others followed.

Because the Communist regime in her native Romania did not favor an artistic career, Maggie chose to teach languages. The contact with art never left her, but it was just later in her life and in Canada that Maggie returned to painting full-time.

The first years are dedicated to figurative painting, but gradually Maggie discovers the freedom of expression offered by abstract painting. She has continued to take art classes on new techniques and materials to enrich and polish her way of expressing herself. Her curiosity and desire to progress remain constant.

 Maggie is a member of four artists associations and has participated in more than 80 exhibitions, solo and collective with the associations or in galleries (Ambigu, Valmi, Lenoir, Gora, Viva Vida). She lives in Montreal. Membre de RAAV.

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