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M. Spilmi

Vilnius, Lithuania
Artist (Painting)
Born unknown date

I create under the name M. Spilmi. I am a painter, and this is how I choose to present myself. Painting is my passion. Creation is where my main interest in life lies.
I can tell you some details about my life – just for the sake of signposting the road that led me to the place I am today.

Childhood. I had one. Books and soccer with friends. Small playgrounds of an enormous city. Infatuation with drawing since I was just a kid.Military service. The time of significant challenges. To my mind and body. Sometimes literally. The time when I had to mobilize my inner strength. Maybe my creative side began flourishing there. Now, as a young man, I continue to draw.Discharged from service. Return home. Studies. Work. More work. Then back to classes. My painting style is conservative yet immature. Started selling my paintings as a means for additional income.Professional ventures into cinema and theatre. Adulthood. For me and my paintings. The “classical” phase. Canvas. Oil. Landscapes. Still-life. Portraits.As years went by, to paint in a “correct way” started losing its appeal. It was boring to reproduce what was already done before. So my focus shifted towards developing a new painting technique, that combined the styles of the past, mosaics and the use of new materials. After some trial and error, improving on achieved results, a unique art style was born. I’ve called it “cottonism”.

Cottonism allows me to make paintings quite literally 3-dimensional. They are arched things, trying to get out of their surroundings.I mostly work with warm colours. It stems from my belief in art as a small religious act, a way of believing in a better world.

Discover contemporary artworks by M. Spilmi, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary lithuanian artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2021 (Country of origin Lithuania). Buy M. Spilmi's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist M. Spilmi. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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