Lurline Halliman Profile Picture

Lurline Halliman

Kingston 10, Jamaica
Artist (Digital Arts)
Born 1962
God must have been the most joyful when He created.

My name is Lurline Halliman, a digital artist from Kingston, Jamaica. I am an administrative professional by training and I currently work as a full-time quality assurance junior executive.

I developed a love for photography using my smartphone back in 2013-2015 when an adverse event made it necessary for me to return to my family home in rural Jamaica. Subsequently, I developed a passion for creating digital art from the photographs I took. I tend to see a piece of artwork in practically everything my eyes behold so the subjects of my photographs are wide-ranging and include nature scenes of all kinds, animals, places, and things. Because I see art in so many things, sometimes I feel silly taking photographs of certain things if I am in the company of anyone. They cannot see what I see in certain objects, therefore they may think I am indeed silly for wanting to take photographs of those things. 

I love to work with bright colors, shiny objects, silver, and gold.

While most of my art is created from the photographs I take, occasionally, I create designs on my computer using various programs and then use photo editing software to transform the designs into digital art.

My art is based on aesthetics and art for art's sake.

My third passion is to create textile designs, which I upload to an online marketplace for sale.

Discover contemporary artworks by Lurline Halliman, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary jamaican artists. Artistic domains: Digital Arts. Account type: Artist , member since 2024 (Country of origin Jamaica). Buy Lurline Halliman's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Lurline Halliman. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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