Zora (2022) Sculpture by Ludovic Latreille

Sculpture - Wood, 20.9x15 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork appears in 3 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Sculpture, Wood / Acrylic on MDF Board
  • Dimensions Height 20.9in, Width 15in / 1.60 kg
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
  • Categories Sculptures under $500 Abstract Portrait
Cette belle demoiselle rousse aux yeux verts est le souvenir d'une série télé de mon enfance, Zora la rousse. Ce tableau en relief est composé de 22 pièces de Mdf coupées, poncées, peintes et collées à la main. Une œuvre unique pour un mélange original de sculpture et de peinture qui mettra vos murs en relief. [...]
Cette belle demoiselle rousse aux yeux verts est le souvenir d'une série télé de mon enfance, Zora la rousse.
Ce tableau en relief est composé de 22 pièces de Mdf coupées, poncées, peintes et collées à la main.
Une œuvre unique pour un mélange original de sculpture et de peinture qui mettra vos murs en relief.

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Ludovic Latreille is a contemporary French artist. In his modest studio located in Charleville-Mézières, France, he passionately crafts relief paintings using primarily[...]

Ludovic Latreille is a contemporary French artist. In his modest studio located in Charleville-Mézières, France, he passionately crafts relief paintings using primarily acrylic paint on medium-density fiberboard (MDF). Each and every piece of his artwork is meticulously handcrafted, showcasing his dedication to the art form. He deliberately abstains from employing automated cutting machines, ensuring that every detail is shaped and formed by his own skilled hands. This particular relief technique enables the artwork to transform based on the viewing angle and lighting conditions. When observed from the front, the relief becomes imperceptible, and the viewer's eye no longer discerns the painting's depth. It presents a distinctive and unparalleled fusion of painting and sculpture, resulting in an original and singular artistic expression.

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