ANGÉLIQUE. Ma dédicace à marquise des anges (2021) Painting by Liudmila Ménager

Oil on Linen Canvas, 23.6x36.2 in
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Customer's reviews Excellent
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Seller Liudmila Ménager

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Max resolution: 5598 x 3684 px
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Liudmila Ménager

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork appears in 3 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 23.6in, Width 36.2in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Illustration
Je vous présente ma nouvelle toile dédié à l'immortelle ANGELIQUE, Marquise des Anges, l'héroïne de la grande écrivaine française ANNE GOLON en l'honneur de son centenaire (17/12/2021) ("Angélique, que m'a fait rêver", huile acrylique sur toile vernis 92*60 cm). Elle est où, la célèbre Michelle Mercier, demandez-vous,[...]
Je vous présente ma nouvelle toile dédié à l'immortelle ANGELIQUE, Marquise des Anges, l'héroïne de la grande écrivaine française ANNE GOLON en l'honneur de son centenaire (17/12/2021) ("Angélique, que m'a fait rêver", huile acrylique sur toile vernis 92*60 cm).
Elle est où, la célèbre Michelle Mercier, demandez-vous, pourtant vous ne la trouverez pas ici. Ceci est ma propre interprétation d'Angélique et de son âme, telle que je la ressens et ce qu'elle était vraiment, une sorte de réflexion d'une rêveuse sur une héroïne extraordinaire sur toile, imprégnée entièrement d'un élixir magique des ingrédients les plus précieux : le courage , le charisme, l'intelligence, la noblesse, et surtout la capacité d'Aimer (du moins , j'ai essayé de faire mon mieux).
J'étais déjà inspirée par les images de plusieurs femmes . Le résultat est une sorte de symbiose d'une noble russe et d'une aristocrate française de l'époque de Louis XIV, une femme qui a réussi à surmonter toutes les difficultés, à garder son amour, à devenir plus forte que le destin et finalement à gagner.
Automatically translated
   Liudmila Ménager. Painter, illustrator, was born in 1986 in Russia. She is a qualified architect, painter, winner of various competitions and illustrator, who has lived and worked in France since 2013. Her[...]

   Liudmila Ménager. Painter, illustrator, was born in 1986 in Russia. She is a qualified architect, painter, winner of various competitions and illustrator, who has lived and worked in France since 2013. Her romantic works are part of art collections around the world and are particularly appreciated by lovers of ;American, Chinese, French and Russian art. His works were distinguished during the art exhibition “Games, Chance & Cinema” during the Cannes Film Festival in 2017 and the Grand Salon d’Art “ARBUSTES” (in the Paris region) in 2017.

   Liudmila practices some painting techniques: acrylic, watercolor, gouache, dry pastel and oil pastel and also combinations of painting and creation (application). The creative painter and accomplished, she represents the world in all its beauty: portraits, architectural and heritage objects, dance, landscapes, animals. She is also passionate about abstract art and magical style.

As a romantic illustrator and author, she always pursues her dreams to show the beauty of human relationships and heal people's hearts through art therapy. "Princess and the Beast: the mirror of truth" is her first book (in Russian, English and French) as author and illustrator. It is a philosophical fairy tale, which continues the famous story of love, devotion, friendship, forgiveness and harmony. In October 2019, Liudmila Ménager, as the author of a book 'Princess and the Beast: The Mirror of Truth', won the national 'Plume d' Prize 039;gold of Russia", becoming Silver Laureate in the nomination “Spirituality”.

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Acrylic on Wood | 20.5x29.1 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 23.6x36.2 in
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Acrylic on Wood | 23.6x31.5 in
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Acrylic on Linen Canvas | 23.6x36.2 in
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