Ancient Empire (2021) Painting by Lisa Trevino

Acrylic on Canvas, 20x10 in
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Seller Lisa Trevino

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 5 collections
I like to experiment and work with texture in my art. I started with string and gesso, making patterns pressed into the gesso as the base of the work. From there, experimenting with color and application of the paint. Rendering into a piece that feels somewhat religious and ancient. [...]
I like to experiment and work with texture in my art. I started with string and gesso, making patterns pressed into the gesso as the base of the work. From there, experimenting with color and application of the paint. Rendering into a piece that feels somewhat religious and ancient.

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I'm interested in relationships-color, form, and texture. Most of my works can be referenced from photographs taken on my iPhone, which is the inspiration for a variety of options, whether I retain the[...]

I'm interested in relationships-color, form, and texture. Most of my works can be referenced from photographs taken on my iPhone, which is the inspiration for a variety of options, whether I retain the image as a photo, drawing, painting, or relief print. The images come from nature, an experience, happenstance, and on occasion, a fluke or a happy surprise.

Approaching each piece of work as an experiment, frees me to explore the possibilities and to succeed or fail in the attempt. I continue to develop and create work in several disciplines. I enjoy the process of making art; the trial and error of exploring a particular idea, and allowing the viewer to invent their own interpretation of the work.
When I look at artist’s work, I am interested in their technique, composition, color and the way artist communicate through their art. I intend for others to experience a new way to see, when they look at my work.

See more from Lisa Trevino

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