Vas-y mon fou ! (2018) Painting by Linda Molloy

Watercolor on Paper, 12x33 in
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  • Original Artwork Painting, Watercolor on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 12in, Width 33in
  • Categories Paintings under $1,000 Naive Art
Cette aquarelle démontre tout le respect que j'ai envers cet oiseau., le fou de bassan. ll m'impressionne car il sera en couple avec la même partenaire jusqu'à la fin de sa vie et j'ai même entendu dire qu'Il se laissera mourir s'il perd sa partenaire... Que du calme et du bonheur que je ressens quand je regarde[...]
Cette aquarelle démontre tout le respect que j'ai envers cet oiseau., le fou de bassan. ll m'impressionne car il sera en couple avec la même partenaire jusqu'à la fin de sa vie et j'ai même entendu dire qu'Il se laissera mourir s'il perd sa partenaire...
Que du calme et du bonheur que je ressens quand je regarde cette aquarelle.

N.B. Cette aquarelle est encadrée et prête à être accrochée.

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MerFou De BassanChâteauChaloupeMaison

Automatically translated
Originally from Chandler (Quebec) in the Gaspé Peninsula, Linda lived out of the region for several years. Missing the nature and people of her native region, she eventually moved back and rediscovered[...]

Originally from Chandler (Quebec) in the Gaspé Peninsula, Linda lived out of the region for several years. Missing the nature and people of her native region, she eventually moved back and rediscovered with passion all these beautiful landscapes she used to know. The attraction she always felt towards the sea played an important role in her development as an artist. What fascinates her the most is to paint the emotion of the moment through the characters, the people and the children while lulled by the energy that the sea can give her. She is inspired by children and her dog. Self-taught, she instinctively discovered the art of watercolor. Through her years of experience as an artist, she has developed her own name in the region, exploring two different styles; realist and naive art. 

With her naive painting called "As-tu vu?'', she won a silver medal at the 33rd Gala-Contest of the Cercle des artistes peintres et sculpteurs du Québec (2018). In April 2019, she exhibited her paintings at the Art Expo New-York, the world's largest modern art trade show. 

See more from Linda Molloy

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