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Linda Mcfetridge

New Plymouth, New Zealand
Artist (Painting)
Born 1971
Step into my world of art, where intuition guides my hand and creativity flows freely

Linda McFetridge, a contemporary artist from New Zealand, weaves a vibrant tapestry of creativity enriched by diverse influences and life experiences. Her artistic journey finds its roots in the coastal embrace of a dairy farm near Mt Taranaki, where Linda cultivated a profound connection with nature and the scenic beauty that surrounded her.

Despite earning a psychology degree, Linda's journey took an unexpected turn as she delved into the performing arts industry. Here, she not only honed her skills as a performer but also emerged as a choreographer, adding rhythmic dimensions to her artistic repertoire. The stage became her canvas, and movement became her expressive language.

Transitioning into the film and screen industry, Linda's interaction with visual imagery through the camera lens ignited a latent passion for painting. The exploration of narratives through the lens seamlessly translated into the strokes of her brush on canvas. In the world of visual storytelling, Linda discovered a new means of expression that resonated with the essence of her artistic soul.

Her paintings, reflective of her deep-rooted connection to nature, draw inspiration from the landscapes of her upbringing. The coastal farm near Mt Taranaki, with its ever-changing hues and textures, serves as a wellspring of inspiration for Linda's artistic endeavors.

Linda McFetridge's artistic odyssey is a testament to the fluidity of creative expression, where each chapter builds upon the last. From the serene landscapes of her childhood to the kinetic energy of the performing arts, Linda's journey unfolds as a visual symphony, harmonizing diverse influences into a singular, expressive narrative.

Discover contemporary artworks by Linda Mcfetridge, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary new zealand artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2018 (Country of origin New Zealand). Buy Linda Mcfetridge's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Linda Mcfetridge. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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