016.jpg 絵画 Lena Ru によって

  • オリジナルのアートワーク 絵画,
  • 寸法 寸法はご要望に応じてご利用いただけます
pastel on paper この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル 技術 絵画 絵画は、色のついた液体を美的に適用することにより、表面に絵画を描く芸術形式です。画家は、紙、岩、帆布、木、樹皮、ガラス、コンクリート、その他多くの下地などのサポートで非常に個人的な表現を表現します。[...]
pastel on paper
I consider myself a self taught artist. For me personally it is to my advantage not being tied to any particular curriculum. This in itself allows freedom to follow my own artistic path. I have a great passion[...]

I consider myself a self taught artist. For me personally it is to my advantage not being tied to any particular curriculum. This in itself allows freedom to follow my own artistic path. I have a great passion for painting which has spurred me on to achieve a sense of self fulfilment. I learnt through my own research, experimentation, feelings and of course mistakes along the way. I draw inspiration from the things that surround me such as colour, shape, texture, form and impression of objects. I work in a variety of different mediums, with the subject dictating which medium will achieve the best result. I am continuously in the process as all artists are in further nurturing and honing my skills.

Lena Ruからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 18.1x18.1 in
紙のパステル | 8.3x5.9 in
キャンバスのオイル | 30x24 in

