The Four Horsemen (2007) Pittura da Lelia


Venditore Lelia

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  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura,
  • Dimensioni Altezza 48in, Larghezza 70in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 1.000 USD
Acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas with several metallic high lites A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Tecnico[...]
Acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas with several metallic high lites
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Fine artist Lelia DeMello was born in Boston MA and raised on Cape Cod. She moved to the beautiful Islands of Hawaii in 1982. Lelia's professional career in 1987. Since that time, over 900 original paintings[...]

Fine artist Lelia DeMello was born in Boston MA and raised on Cape Cod. She moved to the beautiful Islands of Hawaii in 1982. Lelia's professional career in 1987. Since that time, over 900 original paintings have been acquired by collectors from all over the world. CEO's, Politicians, Celebrities, and Exclusive Resorts have commissioned her work. Lelia has had 11 sell out solo shows and has also shown her work in numerous group and museum exhibitions.
Lelia is known as a colorist. She is self taught and uses her instinct to create semblance and balance in her work.
She loves to create oversized, large paintings. They have impact in her opinion. "People have an immediate reaction to her work." says kevin Nunne (Owner-Montage Galleries, HI). Lelias' paintings are filled with fluid, vibrancy. She creates her art from the heart and believes any ability she may have, is a gift from God to be enjoyed. She exhibits in Florida, Hawaii, and Vail CO currently.

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Pittura su Carta | 3,2x3,9 in
Non in vendita
Acquarello su Carta | 10x8 in
Non in vendita
Olio | 0,6x12,2 in
Non in vendita
Acquarello su Carta | 8x10 in
Non in vendita


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