« NOT FOR YOU » (2023) Painting by Laurent Zagarri

Acrylic on Linen Canvas, 51.2x38.2 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 3 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 51.2in, Width 38.2in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Figurative Female nudes
Laisser une trace qui, en un instant, a le pouvoir de capter le regard des visiteurs . ZAG de son vrai nom , Laurent ZAGARRI sait que la présence d’une de ses œuvres dans un lieu est éphémère et qu’elle doit,en quelques secondes, captiver l’œil du spectateur afin de rester gravée dans la mémoire de celui qui a jeté son dévolu sur elle. « Par[...]
Laisser une trace qui, en un instant, a le pouvoir de capter le regard des visiteurs . ZAG de son vrai nom , Laurent ZAGARRI sait que la présence d’une de ses œuvres dans un lieu est éphémère et qu’elle doit,en quelques secondes, captiver l’œil du spectateur afin de rester gravée dans la mémoire de celui qui a jeté son dévolu sur elle. « Par ma peinture, je cherche à saisir ce moment fort,bref et percutant d’un regard féminin et actuel, qui, par son expression va entraîner une réflexion, un coup de foudre, une provocation, une invitation» Ce regard, au graphisme incisif, difficile à fixer,en dit long sur l’imaginaire de l’artiste qui cherche à bouleverser tour à tour les codes avec beaucoup de subtilité et de modernité. Ses toiles au format XL, sont dynamiques et colorées. L’utilisation du noir contrastant avec les couleurs très flashy laisse apparaître son style pur et aiguisé. Il est dans une recherche permanente du trait parfait.
La plupart du temps il improvise directement sur la toile, privilégiant la spontanéité. I
Automatically translated
Leave a trace that, in an instant, has the power to capture the gaze of visitors. ZAG of his real name, Laurent ZAGARRI knows that the presence of one of his works in a place is ephemeral and that it must,[...]

Leave a trace that, in an instant, has the power to capture the gaze of visitors. ZAG of his real name, Laurent ZAGARRI knows that the presence of one of his works in a place is ephemeral and that it must, in a few seconds, captivate the eye of the spectator in order to remain engraved in the memory of the one who has set his sights on her. "Through my painting, I seek to capture this strong, brief and powerful moment of a feminine and current gaze, which, through its expression, will lead to reflection, love at first sight, a provocation, an invitation" This gaze, with graphics incisive, difficult to fix, says a lot about the imagination of the artist who seeks to upset the codes in turn with great subtlety and modernity. His canvases in XL format are dynamic and colorful. The use of black contrasting with the very flashy colors reveals its pure and sharp style. He is in a permanent search for the perfect line.
Most of the time he improvises directly on the canvas, favoring spontaneity. He paints randomly then more or less figurative elements appear. The incrustation of arabesques made with a knife marks his works, airs his canvas, gives it a perspective and a depth that break and disturb the logic of the gaze.
Silhouettes, faces thus take shape, come to life. Urban landscapes, suspended in time, appear in compositions that are alternately abstract, figurative, ethereal, sharp.
Laurent ZAGARRI explains that with his technique developed over the years, rich in particular movements due to a very personal inspiration, he communicates with the eye and feelings in order to free everyone's imagination.
His artistic sense becomes an expression, a look that transforms his universe into a language that leaves no one indifferent. Her faces of women on abstract backgrounds seem to attract us, to touch us deeply to project us towards an unreal dimension and yet so close to our daily lives.

See more from Laurent Zagarri

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Acrylic | 39.4x39.4 in
On Request
Acrylic on Canvas | 51.2x38.2 in
Acrylic | 59.1x47.2 in
On Request
Acrylic on Canvas | 57.5x44.9 in
On Request


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