MTP FLUONÉON 2 (2023) Painting by Laurent Prudot

Acrylic on Canvas, 31.5x31.5 in
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Seller Laurent Prudot

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 3 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 31.5in, Width 31.5in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract Geometric
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Acrylic Paint using traditional pigments mixed with synthetic resins. [...]
Laurent Prudot, a French artist, has navigated a fascinating and transformative artistic journey that revolves around the vibrant and immersive world of color. For much of his artistic[...]

Laurent Prudot, a French artist, has navigated a fascinating and transformative artistic journey that revolves around the vibrant and immersive world of color. For much of his artistic career, Laurent Prudot painted in a figurative style, creating works that were deeply rooted in the representation of the tangible world. However, in 2012, a pivotal moment occurred when he relocated to Burgundy, a move that marked a true renaissance in his artistic exploration. Figuration, which had been a central focus of his art, suddenly faded into the background as Laurent embarked on a new creative path centered around abstraction.

This shift in his artistic paradigm was nothing short of a transformation. In stark contrast to his previous works, Laurent Prudot now perceives life as an explosion of light and color, encapsulating the essence of his newfound creative direction. His art became a journey into the world of geometric abstraction, a realm where he embraced the beauty of simplicity and precision.

A crucial element of this artistic transition was the reintroduction of his "Monotamprientes," a unique blend of monotype, imprint, stamp, and engraving that he crafted himself. Through this technique, Laurent's abstract creations took shape in the form of regular squares and vertical lines, each bearing the imprint of his own artistic exploration. The idea of repetition and deliberate reiteration became a hallmark of his work. He delved into the interplay between the intensity of colors and the pristine canvas, an artistic dance that bestowed his approach with a distinct and singular character.

Laurent Prudot's art is a testament to the inherent power of abstraction, a language that he believes should be an emotional experience for those who gaze upon it. His work is not intended to convey his innermost feelings; rather, it aims to engage the viewer in a poetic and emotional journey of their own. The rhythm and interplay between forms and space in his creations bring forth a unique expressive quality that draws the audience into an immersive and emotional world of color, light, and artistic exploration.

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