ballade à N.Y 1930 (2024) Drawing by Laudu

Pastel on Paper, 16.5x11.7 in
Price: Free Shipping
Seller Laudu
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Seller Laudu

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
serie les amoureux 1930 About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Pastel Drawing made with a colored stick. It consists of pigments, a charge[...]
serie les amoureux 1930
Automatically translated
Laudu, born in 1968, is a French artist and painter who lives and works in France. Self-taught since his childhood in Forges, he developed a passion for drawing and painting, developing[...]

Laudu, born in 1968, is a French artist and painter who lives and works in France. Self-taught since his childhood in Forges, he developed a passion for drawing and painting, developing a figurative style which mainly explores the female form. Working primarily with pencils and pastels on paper, Laudu draws inspiration largely from the world of comics.

From an early age, Laudu showed a natural talent for drawing, with a predilection for caricatures of his contemporaries, a habit he cultivated while at school. This inclination for caricature is found in his current work, where he manages to skillfully integrate plays of shapes, colors and movements, giving life to works that are both dynamic and expressive.

Despite a long break from his artistic practice, Laudu recently returned to his pencils and pastels, rediscovering a passion he had always cherished. His dream of becoming a comic book artist has always influenced his style, and this influence is clearly visible in his current creations.

Laudu continues to explore and refine his art, always seeking new ways to capture the beauty and complexity of the human form. His works, imbued with the spirit of comics, reflect a unique blend of caricature and figurativeness, offering a perspective that is both humorous and deeply human.

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