effet de krack (2021) Painting by Lagell

Oil on Canvas, 34.3x29.5 in
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Seller Lagell
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Seller Lagell

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Seller Lagell

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
mixed technique on canvas kraking effect unique latex protection signed dated. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil Paint consisting[...]
mixed technique on canvas kraking effect unique latex protection signed dated.
Automatically translated
Paul Le Gall, known by his artistic alias Lagell, is a contemporary French artist born in Douarnenez in 1947. His artistic journey has been shaped by a diverse range of influences[...]

Paul Le Gall, known by his artistic alias Lagell, is a contemporary French artist born in Douarnenez in 1947. His artistic journey has been shaped by a diverse range of influences and experiences, leading him to explore various styles and techniques throughout his career.

Trained in the Regional Cultural Institute (RCI) under the tutelage of the masters of Wohou-Wohou, including Stenka-Kodjo, Lagell's early artistic development was deeply rooted in traditional craftsmanship and mastery. He draws inspiration from the works of MABE, a renowned artist from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, whose influence has left a lasting impression on Lagell's artistic vision.

Currently, Lagell's artistic expression is characterized by lyrical abstraction, a style reminiscent of the renowned Chinese-French artist Zao Wou-Ki. This transition reflects his ongoing evolution as an artist, embracing new forms of expression while staying true to his artistic roots.

Lagell is also known for his innovative use of plasma art, a technique of his own invention involving the use of oxides obtained through electrolysis. This experimental approach adds a unique dimension to his work, creating dynamic and visually striking compositions.

Over the years, Lagell has exhibited his artwork in prestigious venues and galleries around the world. From his permanent workshop at "markisart" in Landudec to exhibitions in Berlin, Brussels, and Paris Montmartre, his work has garnered attention and acclaim on both national and international levels.

His exhibitions at institutions such as the ARKADI in Cocody, RCI, and the BIN KADI SO museum in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, demonstrate his enduring commitment to sharing his art with diverse audiences. Lagell's artwork has also been featured in prominent press publications, including articles in the Montmartre newspaper, the Brest telegram, West France, and Le Jour in RCI.

With each brushstroke, Lagell continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, leaving a lasting impression on viewers and fellow artists alike. His dedication to innovation and exploration ensures that his work remains a vibrant and integral part of the contemporary art scene.

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