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Kristīne Dakstiņa Profile Picture

Kristīne Dakstiņa

Sigulda, Latvia
Artist (Painting)
Born 1988
Art is my way of preserving fragile moments of joy and transforming them into timeless beauty.

Artist Biography

Kristīne Dakstiņa is a Latvian artist who captures the delicate beauty of nature and the profound emotions of human connection through her oil paintings. Inspired by the serene landscapes of her homeland, Kristīne's art often portrays tranquil sunsets, misty lakes, and the soft interplay of light and shadow. Her works invite viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the fleeting yet powerful moments of harmony between nature and humanity.

As a student of renowned artist Baiba Leimane, Kristīne has refined her craft with a focus on both technical precision and emotional depth. Painting is not just an expression for her but a way to preserve the purity of joy and reflection she finds in the world around her. By dedicating a few hours each week to her art, Kristīne ensures every piece she creates radiates an authentic and unhurried connection to her subject.

Kristīne's work appeals to those who value the beauty of simplicity and the profound impact of life's quiet moments. Through her paintings, she tells stories of peace, nostalgia, and the timeless allure of the natural world.

Discover contemporary artworks by Kristīne Dakstiņa, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary latvian artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2024 (Country of origin Latvia). Buy Kristīne Dakstiņa's latest works on ArtMajeur by YourArt: Discover great art by contemporary artist Kristīne Dakstiņa. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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