Underpass (2021) Painting by Kersteen A Anderson

Acrylic on Canvas, 40x20 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Multi Paneled Acrylic collaged, with building materials with embedded glass and concrete. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Acrylic [...]
Multi Paneled Acrylic collaged, with building materials with embedded glass and concrete.

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K. Anders Anderson (Kersteen) is an American artist who challenges the materials, structures, forms and very purpose of the built environment we know as ‘home.’ After earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree[...]

K. Anders Anderson (Kersteen) is an American artist who challenges the materials, structures, forms and very purpose of the built environment we know as ‘home.’ After earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from California State University, Long Beach in 1980, she embarked on post-graduate work at the Isabel O’Neil Foundation Studio in New York City. Painting work in television, theater and public entertainment paved the way for her to showcase work in some of the most noteworthy residences and public spaces in the world.   Kersteen established a successful decorative paint contracting company, becoming known for her innovative use of color and mastery of complex finishes. Her painting company also established a leadership program for its female painting staff, realizing higher skill sets in the field and increased confidence on a construction job site. Currently, Kersteen is working on a private commission and preparing a body of work for future exhibition.  She lives in Palm Desert, California with her husband.

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