Arc Ange (2022) Sculpture by Jean-Yves Petit (JYP)

Sculpture - Cement, 12.2x16.5 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Sculpture en ciment teinté sur armature métallique, poisson tropical majestueux About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Cement Sculpture technique[...]
Sculpture en ciment teinté sur armature métallique, poisson tropical majestueux

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Jean-Yves Petit is a contemporary French sculptor. Jean-Yves Petit, a self-taught sculptor, active resuscitator, and former diver, is inspired to make sculptures of fish and creatures[...]

Jean-Yves Petit is a contemporary French sculptor. Jean-Yves Petit, a self-taught sculptor, active resuscitator, and former diver, is inspired to make sculptures of fish and creatures from a dreamy and metamorphosed cosmos by recollections of diving in tropical waters.

He began by working with earth, then wood, before going on to reinforced cement stained with natural ochres and mounted on a metal frame. By using this technique, he can obtain fine, harmonic curves as well as a soft finish after the final sanding.

Jean-Yves Petit was born in 1961, in France.

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