Perennials/Vivaces Pittura da Judydcreates

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Venditore Judydcreates

Carta per belle arti, 12x8 in
"Vivaces", "Perennials", Oil on canvas A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Olio Vernice composta da pigmenti[...]
"Vivaces", "Perennials", Oil on canvas

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Hello from Judith Dimentberg or Judydcreates. l would like to give you a little background information. Having studied  fine arts and art education at Concordia University in Montreal Quebec, Canada, I have[...]

Hello from Judith Dimentberg or Judydcreates. l would like to give you a little background information. Having studied  fine arts and art education at Concordia University in Montreal Quebec, Canada, I have always liked to experiment with shapes, colours, and textures. l am also moved by environmental art. l love to inspire children to create art, as l am passionate about the art making process. It's not the end product that counts but how much heart we put into the process. I have taught various subjects and grade levels and continue to teach art at this time. l expose my artwork to this day. I love museums and l appreciate the art of many cultures such as the First Nations people who inspire me with their cultural traditions and authenticity.

Inspirée par la nature, les éléments de l’art et les périodes d'art historiques et contemporaines, j’aime communiquer à travers l'art abstrait. Même si mes œuvres  non figuratives sont différentes et peut-être difficile s à comprendr, je me sens libre d’exprimer mes émotions et ma perception.  Je me considère comme une artiste polyvalente. Travailler avec des textures et les couleurs, j'aime explorer et m’exprimer sur l’environnement. J'apprécie les différentes cultures et leurs traditions artistiques. J'ai fait mes études en éducation en arts à l'Université Concordia de Montréal, Québec. J’e suis enseignante d’arts plastiques et j’expose mes œuvres d’arts.en solo et en exposition de group.

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