Get up (2016) 絵画 José Fonte によって

キャンバスのアクリル, 78.7x78.7 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 José Fonte
お客様のレビュー (3)
発送元: ポルトガル (チューブ) 2日内で発送
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最大解像度: 2772 x 2699 px

販売者 José Fonte

Fine art Modern Being Painting the chosen way, the author goes through with connected phases coming invariably one or another innovation capable of surprising the observer. The work we see today is diversified; we can see paintings of acrylic on canvas, on wood, a mixture of techniques, boxes on the wall and also a[...]
Fine art


Being Painting the chosen way, the author goes through with connected phases coming invariably one or another innovation capable of surprising the observer. The work we see today is diversified; we can see paintings of acrylic on canvas, on wood, a mixture of techniques, boxes on the wall and also a table. He adds daily life and commercial materials, the whole thing gets a performing feature.
Contradicting the hermetic appearance, about a dozen pictures of acrylic on wood, cardboard and even Atlantic wood provide the effect of diptychs and triptychs, they reveal the house(s) in two groups: outside and inside, practically indistinguishable because the discreet figurative elements are diluted in the extensive surface of the author´s pleasant abstraction.

You will receive it "ready to hang", with a hook on the back.

This painting includes a certificate of Authenticity

© 2016 José FONTE All Rights Reserved
PRIZES 2009 Mention of Honor - IV Bienal  de Coruche 2009 1st Prize in Painting - Pintura Abel Manta2008 2nd Prize in Painting - Pintura Abel Manta2008 1st Prize in Painting - I Bienal de Ansião2007 3rd[...]

2009 Mention of Honor - IV Bienal  de Coruche 2009 1st Prize in Painting - Pintura Abel Manta2008 2nd Prize in Painting - Pintura Abel Manta2008 1st Prize in Painting - I Bienal de Ansião2007 3rd Prize in Painting - Pintura Abel Manta2007 Mention of Honour - Prémio de Pintura Thomaz de Mello2005 3rd Prize in Painting - 1º Concurso de Pintura da Galeria Santa Clara2005 Mention of Honour - II Bienal de Mafra2005 Mention of Honour - II Bienal Prémio Joaquim Afonso Madeira 2001 3rd Prize in Ceramics – Artes Plásticas do IPL /Mention of Honour in Arts- Artes Plásticas do IPL 2000 Mention of Honour - Prémio Cofarbel 1999 Acquisition Prize- Escola Secundária de Penacova 1992 2nd Prize in Painting- Prémio Nacional Pintores  

José Fonteからもっと見る

リネンキャンバスのオイル | 56.7x40.9 in
ウッドのオイル | 47.2x34.7 in
金属の金属 | 70.9x64.2 in
段ボールのアクリル | 39.4x27.6 in

