ORGANIQUE (2021) Digital Arts by Jom

Digital Arts, 23.6x23.6 in
Price: Free Shipping

Seller Jom
Customer's reviews (9)
Shipping from: France (Wood Crate) Ships within 2 days
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 3 collections
Ballade en sous-bois, un printemps, une lumière tamisée; Des vibrations, un ressenti, une rencontre..... Toute en nuances les plus douces, en dégradés de senteurs, elle s'est imposée; Elle? Ce n'était qu'un feuille nouvelle, au fil de l'eau . . . Comme toutes mes créations, plusieurs supports et dimensions[...]
Ballade en sous-bois, un printemps, une lumière tamisée;
Des vibrations, un ressenti, une rencontre.....
Toute en nuances les plus douces, en dégradés de senteurs, elle s'est imposée;
Elle? Ce n'était qu'un feuille nouvelle, au fil de l'eau . . .
Comme toutes mes créations, plusieurs supports et dimensions sont possibles.
Pour lui donner son envol, plus sa dimension sera importante, plus beau sera le rendu

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Jom is a digital artist and photographer whose work is a fusion between painting and photography, giving rise to what she calls "Digital Art". For nearly 30 years, Jom devoted his talent to creating[...]

Jom is a digital artist and photographer whose work is a fusion between painting and photography, giving rise to what she calls "Digital Art".

For nearly 30 years, Jom devoted his talent to creating works on glass that adorned many homes. However, one day, she had the idea of ​​combining paintings, photographs and computer mice, which marked the beginning of her adventure in the world of Digital Art.

His creations are like emotions frozen in time, resulting from a process that is at once instinctive, meticulous and curious. She spends long hours of work, research and suddenly, shapes and colors come to life in front of her, completely captivating her.

In his works one can see the interweaving of the forms of the real world, the appearance of everyday life and his personal dreams. Everything she creates comes from her own photos, her contemporary paintings and her fertile imagination.

Among her series, we find "Mirages d'images", where she captures small fragments of life, encounters, crushes, emotions, memories, desires and even regrets. These fragments transform into works of art that are both reflections of one's inner world and invitations to explore yours by sharing your own fragments of life.

Another series, entitled "Metamorphosis", is born from encounters, sounds, images that inspire Jom to search for new shapes and colors to express these experiences.

See more from Jom

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