LUMIERE (2005) Painting by Joe Johnson

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Seller Joe Johnson

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  498 px  

500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 498x500
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Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork Painting,
  • Dimensions Height 19.7in, Width 19.7in
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Technic Painting Painting is an art form of painting on a surface[...]
I am Joe Johnson American painter living in Paris. I use art visurel same manner that the storyteller uses his voice to transport the listener in a voyage. The language of my painting is to communicate a message[...]

I am Joe Johnson American painter living in Paris. I use art visurel same manner that the storyteller uses his voice to transport the listener in a voyage. The language of my painting is to communicate a message to connect the differences between the cultures.

My portraits lead the public to reflect on the identity which is not only defined by the socialization of a culture, but by the interbreeding of several cultures and traditions. My objective is to create a dialogue where each one sees the various aspects of its own character: physique, the policy, the spiritual one and the psychological one.

My work underlines the origins of my personal beliefs, by integrating the African and European religious symbols there. It highlights the latent mysticism which exists in the Afro-American culture.
Joe Johnson

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