'Feel good' 40 x 48 in. Digital Arts by Jocelyne Dupuis (Jo Dupuis)

Digital Arts, 48x40 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork is framed
Mounted on Aluminium
This artwork appears in 3 collections
'Feel Good' - Abstract Art work painted with Digital Art software, Digital Art. Emotion, feeling of freedom during a getaway in the heart of a village in the South. Shapes and colors - shades of gold, caramel and brown. Contemporary Art, Modern Art, Abstract Expressionism. [...]
'Feel Good' - Abstract Art work painted with Digital Art software, Digital Art. Emotion, feeling of freedom during a getaway in the heart of a village in the South. Shapes and colors - shades of gold, caramel and brown. Contemporary Art, Modern Art, Abstract Expressionism.

Related themes

Feel GoodCamaieux D'or Et BrunCouleurs LumineusesÉmotion PositiveExpressionnisme Abstrait

Automatically translated
Presentation of the Artist by Marie-Eve Tanguay Painter digital, Jocelyne Dupuis studied contemporary dance and literature. With a rich career in the field[...]

Presentation of the Artist

by Marie-Eve Tanguay

Painter digital, Jocelyne Dupuis studied contemporary dance and literature. With a rich career in the field of television and radio production, his behind-the-scenes work has allowed him to sharpen his outlook as well as develop his sense of intuition and composition.

Fascinated by the relationships between life, mind and movement, her artistic research is particularly interested in issues linked to consciousness as a state of being and to the notion of creations as vital momentum. Defusing any Manichaeist vision between the body and the mind, Dupuis conceives of creation as that which weaves the union between these two concepts to, in some way, go beyond them. Movement, fluidity, the permeability of borders and the flexible transition from one form to another or from one color to another therefore characterize his visual language. She thus conceives her aesthetics as a dynamic of the self in constant resonance, in perpetual movement.

For the artist, digital mediums offer this malleability and this flexibility necessary for the expression of this dynamic, allowing him to exploit a eurythmic gesture which is close in some respects to abstract expressionism. His compositions often seem to radiate an atmosphere or a state of being which, although resolutely animated, seems intriguing and indefinite to us, like "no man's lands" which demand to be deciphered.

See more from Jocelyne Dupuis (Jo Dupuis)

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