KR20201023 (2020) Painting by Jean-Jacques Minardi (Ipo)

Acrylic on Canvas, 31.5x23.6 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 2 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 31.5in, Width 23.6in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $1,000 Abstract
KR20201023, toile carrée 80/80/2, peinte au couteau, vernies deux fois, About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Acrylic [...]
toile carrée 80/80/2,
peinte au couteau,
vernies deux fois,

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Abstraction LyriqueAbstraitFormat MoyenJjmminardi

Automatically translated
Painting has entered my life, but in fact it has always been present. I am blue from the Mediterranean and white from the constructions of Algiers, I migrated to Provence where the colors explode then on blue[...]

Painting has entered my life, but in fact it has always been present. I am blue from the Mediterranean and white from the constructions of Algiers, I migrated to Provence where the colors explode then on blue and white Marseille, destiny.
Then nothing, if exhibitions, and the poppy episode, mine did not look like a poppy, the colors were there but the shape ...
Posters by Klee, De Staël adorned my walls, later it was Lindberg, Pesmes and Crespo.
Meeting with an elderly painter from the cross-Valmer, finally a weekend spent at his side, I learned more in 3 days, than in 45 books.
I meet Gustave, Anne and Jérôme de Staël, no nothing !!!
And then a badly treated arteritis, hospital in emergency, amputation of a leg, then 8 months later a bypass which loose, another amputation, here I am reduced to the chair, I was already a survivor, quickly I realize my dreams, one is to paint.
2017 acrylic painting frame canvas cotton knives brushes,
The colors, subjugated by the miscibility of acrylic, I paint …… Shy, then released, the others that matter.
Jack looks at my paintings and laughs, "it's not all to throw away, you should look at the NY school in the 50's"
Elodie enters the room and rushes to a painting, "how much?" I bought ”this will be a gift, because that day, I won much more, subsequently subjugated by“ Spring ”I would give her a …………… prize.
The color, the colors, always; movement is joined, not that enclosed in the canvas, but that of the action of painting.
The discovery of new tools for painting will make me temporarily abandon knives, brushes and hands.
Creativity or magical moment in front of the canvas, without idea, yet an image is born.

Abstract, go further !!! yes but at my own pace !!


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Acrylic on Canvas | 31.5x23.6 in
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