Pueblo Blanco, Còmpeta. (2017) Pittura da Jill Carrott


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Venditore Jill Carrott

  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Acrilico
  • Dimensioni Altezza 21,7in, Larghezza 33,9in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 1.000 USD Astratta
Abstract landscape. This painting is on board with a wooden frame so is quite heavy for posting. Now it is discounted I would have to check the shipping costs. A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili
Abstract landscape.
This painting is on board with a wooden frame so is quite heavy for posting. Now it is discounted I would have to check the shipping costs.

Temi correlati

Abstract LandscapeContemporary ArtPueblos BlancosWhite VillagesMountain Villages

Tradotto automaticamente
My art does not have a particular theme. I am in a period of exploration of form and colour. At the moment I am more drawn to the human figure, be it clothed or nude. However I have begun to investigate abstraction.

My art does not have a particular theme. I am in a period of exploration of form and colour. At the moment I am more drawn to the human figure, be it clothed or nude. However I have begun to investigate abstraction.
I still have a lot to discover and every day I look forward to creating ART.
Update April 2018
For the last 6 months I have been exploring the Pueblos Blancos of my local landscape. It has been an interesting journey and I am not sure it is over yet.
But now I am exploring the views from my studio, realistically and abstractified. Colour is what fascinates me. A visitor to my recent artwalk expo remarked that when he looked at a Pueblo Blanco he saw white and only white......I replied....what about the colour of the roofs, railings,shadows,flowers and spaces. That is what I am painting.

Update April 2021

I am still exploring urban landscapes in a realistic and abstract style. Due to Covid there have not been any Life drawing classes so I am not getting the continual practice needed to keep on top of figures. I am taking part in the #100dayproject on Instagram and have been drawing our garden/wilderness which I love. Also making a lot of abstract collage compositions. Check me out @jillcarrottsart.

Vedere più a proposito di Jill Carrott

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Acrilico su Tela | 15,8x11,8 in
338,95 USD
283,92 USD
Acrilico su Tela | 23,6x11,8 in
409,38 USD
387,37 USD
Acrilico su Tela | 15,8x15,8 in
370,86 USD
Acrilico su Carta | 23,4x16,5 in
209,09 USD
154,07 USD


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