AFTERNOON (Hommage à Max Beckmann et Egon Schiele) (2015) Painting by Jean-Paul Schmitt

Oil on Canvas, 31.5x31.5 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 11 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 31.5in, Width 31.5in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Expressionism
Huile sur toile - 80x80 cm - décembre 2015 reprise en 2022 avec la signature d'avant 2017. L'oeuvre représente le modèle préféré de l'artiste dans la position de Sitzende Frau d'Egon Schiele. Le traitement à l'huile est en pâte épaisse. Il peut se rapprocher de l'expressionnisme de Max Beckman mais le peintre y installe[...]
Huile sur toile - 80x80 cm - décembre 2015 reprise en 2022 avec la signature d'avant 2017.
L'oeuvre représente le modèle préféré de l'artiste dans la position de Sitzende Frau d'Egon Schiele. Le traitement à l'huile est en pâte épaisse. Il peut se rapprocher de l'expressionnisme de Max Beckman mais le peintre y installe une joie opposée aux regards souvent tristes ou inquiets des femmes de Beckman.
L'ensemble acquiert ici une insouciance et un non conformisme sans exhibitionnisme.

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SchieleMax BeckmanFemme Assise

Automatically translated
Jean-Paul Schmitt is a contemporary award-winning French artist. Watercolors, inks, pencils, and acrylics are used to create a preliminary study in Schmitt's artistic process.[...]

Jean-Paul Schmitt is a contemporary award-winning French artist. Watercolors, inks, pencils, and acrylics are used to create a preliminary study in Schmitt's artistic process. He switches to the thick oil paste on canvas, once the dynamics of color have been established.

He participated in numerous personal and group exhibitions in France and abroad and is permanently present in galleries in Lyon. His works have been awarded many times: Special prize of the Rhône County Council in 2014; Boesner prize in 2014; International Art Award of Beijing in 2016; Gold medal of the jury and grand prize of the salon de Rive de Gier in 2017; Special prize of the Jury of the Winter Show of Lyon 2018; Great Trophy of the Arts Artists of Honor of the Year 2018 from the Editions of Museums and Culture; 2019 Silver Medal of the French Association of Arts, Sciences and Letters. 

Jean-Paul Schmitt was born in 1947, in France. He is a member of the Lyons Academy of Painting (ALP), the Regional Association of Arts (ARA) and the Group of Twelve.

See more from Jean-Paul Schmitt

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