concrete art - sculpture en ciment patine rouge (2006) Sculpture by Jean-Yves Verne

Sculpture - Cement, 52.8x7.9 in
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Shipping from: France (Wood Crate)
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 9 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Sculpture, Cement / Metals on Metal
  • Dimensions Height 52.8in, Width 7.9in / 8.00 kg
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
  • Categories Sculptures under $5,000 Figurative Portrait
Ce fragment de visage sculpté, en ciment noir patiné de pigment rouge, est monté sur une tige métallique avec une base également en ciment. La tête traitée de manière figurative classique présente des fissures qui évoquent quelque vestige archéologique retrouvé d'une culture disparue. Expression empreinte d'intériorité méditative.[...]
Ce fragment de visage sculpté, en ciment noir patiné de pigment rouge, est monté sur une tige métallique avec une base également en ciment.
La tête traitée de manière figurative classique présente des fissures qui évoquent quelque vestige archéologique retrouvé d'une culture disparue.
Expression empreinte d'intériorité méditative.

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Automatically translated
Jean-Yves Verne is a contemporary French painter and sculptor. After attending various academy workshops for around twenty years (Ecole Supérieure d'Arts Visuels de Genève, Ferney Voltaire's free workshop),[...]

Jean-Yves Verne is a contemporary French painter and sculptor.

After attending various academy workshops for around twenty years (Ecole Supérieure d'Arts Visuels de Genève, Ferney Voltaire's free workshop), he alternates techniques in 2 or 3 dimensions depending on the purpose of the moment, in a cluttered workshop of a thousand things that combine, the rule of the game being play..

His resolutely classical style figurative works have as their favorite theme the enigmatic human condition. They depict solitary and meditative characters (paintings) or social interactions between individuals overwhelmed by the absurdity of their situation. Sculptures and art installations are then tenderly ironic and play on the immutable tragic comedy.

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