STAR WALKER (2023) Painting by Jasnica Klara Matić

Not For Sale

Seller Jasnica Klara Matić

Fine art paper, 12x6 in

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  603 px  

1200 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 603x1200
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Art image bank
STARWALKER is the archetype that reflects the part of us that already knows how to walk amidst the stars, traversing the realms, and connecting with others non-locally, or non-physically. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles[...]
STARWALKER is the archetype that reflects the part of us that already knows how to walk amidst the stars, traversing the realms, and connecting with others non-locally, or non-physically.

Related themes

StarwalkerTimetravelNonphysicalJasnica Klara MatićVibrational Art

My artistic form is a shallow relief on a canvas base. I make it by covering the canvas with melted wax into which I pour healing media such as salt, incense, crystals, and dry herbs. My art motifs[...]

My artistic form is a shallow relief on a canvas base. I make it by covering the canvas with melted wax into which I pour healing media such as salt, incense, crystals, and dry herbs.

My art motifs are positive archetypes from the collective subconscious mind or soul of humanity such as a loving couple, an angel, the tree of life, dance steps, and the cosmic egg.

My images are programmed with positive affirmations that act as a spiritual language that positively affects their frequency.

I have exhibited at collective multinational exhibitions in America (Agora Gallery New York, Broadway Gallery New York), Russia (Russian Artweek Moskow), and Europe (Croatian National Shrine in Maria Bistrica).

I am the author of the book Vibrational Art - A Tool for Creating Your Reality (Austin Macauley Publishers, New York, 2020), in which I describe my painting as a tool for changing the perception of reality.

This means that my paintings since they are made of wax, can be removed from the canvas with a spatula and melted. A completely new image can be made from that remelted wax.

It is the same with the perception of reality because, with intuition, we can read the beliefs on which this perception is based. When we change these beliefs, they will attract new emotions, which will change our perception and thus our reality.

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