Mum and baby in Thailand Pintura por Janet Daldy

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Vendedor Janet Daldy

  • Obra de arte original Pintura, Oleo
  • Dimensiones Dimensiones disponibles bajo pedido
  • Categorías Figurativo
Huile sur toile. Un maman et son bébé dans les forêts du Nord de Thailand. Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Oleo Pintura compuesta[...]
Huile sur toile. Un maman et son bébé dans les forêts du Nord de Thailand.

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I studied Art in England, completing a Fine Art and English degree. Since then I have travelled, finally settling in France over 20 years ago. I have been fortunate to have lived and visited various places[...]

I studied Art in England, completing a Fine Art and English degree. Since then I have travelled, finally settling in France over 20 years ago. I have been fortunate to have lived and visited various places which have inspired me in various ways, subject matter and atmospheres.
I have worked in various techniques, the most constant being oil paints. However recently I am loving collages!
I love colours, so I use them, and I paint things that I love.

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Oleo | 63,8x25,6 in
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Oleo | 36,2x28,7 in
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Pintura | 11,8x11,8 in
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Pintura | 5,9x5,9 in
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