Palace By Lake (2018) Pittura da Jagath Wickramarachchi

Olio su Tela, 8,7x4,7 in
432,88 USD
Prezzo: Spedizione gratuita

Spedito da: Francia (Imballaggio in scatola o cartone) Spedito entro 2 giorni
Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni
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Acquistare una stampa

Questa stampa è disponibile in diverse dimensioni.

27,14 USD
46,67 USD
100,94 USD
Recensioni dei clienti Eccellente
Gli artisti vengono pagati i diritti d'autore per ogni vendita

Venditore Jagath Wickramarachchi

Licenza digitale

Quest'immagine è disponibile per lo scaricamento con una licenza.

32,56 USD
130,25 USD
271,35 USD
Risoluzione massima: 3066 x 5782 px
Scarica subito dopo l'acquisto
Gli artisti vengono pagati i diritti d'autore per ogni vendita

Venditore Jagath Wickramarachchi

Lavoro singolo
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Montato su Pannello di legno
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Olio su Tela
  • Dimensioni Altezza 8,7in, Larghezza 4,7in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera è in ottime condizioni
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 500 USD Arte concettuale Natura
This is my dream. A small palace by a lake and a forest in other side of the lake. It is a small painting with 3d effect. Everyone want to live in a city. Because they think, they can find everything they need easily in cities. Jobs, foods, cinemas, medicines and every aspects life desire are easily found in cities. How aobut peace and[...]
This is my dream. A small palace by a lake and a forest in other side of the lake.
It is a small painting with 3d effect.
Everyone want to live in a city. Because they think, they can find everything they need easily in cities. Jobs, foods, cinemas, medicines and every aspects life desire are easily found in cities. How aobut peace and tranquility?
I believe mental peace is the most important thing in our lives. To find that you need a Palace by a Lake.

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[English] As a painter of intermittent dedication, situated amidst the cultural expanse of Paris, my sensibilities have long been attuned to the nuances of artistic expression. Within the realm of my[...]


As a painter of intermittent dedication, situated amidst the cultural expanse of Paris, my sensibilities have long been attuned to the nuances of artistic expression. Within the realm of my creative pursuits, I am both an avid writer and a skilled draftsman. Yet, it was in 2017 that I resolved to relinquish the comfort of my sketchbooks and embark upon the challenging journey of canvas painting.

Following the genesis of my initial works, I committed myself to a two-year course of artistic tutelage in Paris, wherein I honed my craft across a spectrum of mediums, from the luminous depths of acrylics to the subtleties of charcoal, pastel, and ink.

My artistic ethos is centered upon the quest to imbue each creation with profound meaning and resonant depth, transcending the mere confines of visual representation.

Embedded within my creations, one discerns not only my reverence for texture and form but also the interplay of my dual heritage, influenced by the rich tapestries of Sri Lanka and the artistic legacies of France.

The stroke of a brush is not merely a stroke of color, form, and direction; it is, above all, an expression and revelation of unspoken emotional depths, with all their complex delicacy.

It is with a humble sense of gratitude that I reflect upon the privilege of having my oeuvre grace the halls of UNESCO during the observance of the International Day of Vesak in 2018.


Artiste peintre par intermittence, installé à Paris, j'ai toujours eu une forte sensibilité aux travaux artistiques. J'écris beaucoup et je dessine. C'est en 2017 que je délaisse mes carnets et mes gribouillis et me décide de me lancer dans la peinture sur toile.

Après avoir peint mes premières peintures, j'ai décidé de suivre des cours d'éducation artistique durant 2 ans à Paris, où j'ai acquis des techniques précieuses concernant la peinture acrylique, le charbon, le pastel et l'encre. 

J'essaie de produire des œuvres empreintes de sens et de profondeur. 

Vous trouverez dans mes créations mon goût du relief et des formes, mais également mes influences sri lankaises et française. 

Le coût de pinceau n'est pas seulement un trait de couleur, de forme et de direction mais surtout une expression et une révélation des abysses sentimentales inexprimées, avec tout leur relief, leur délicatesse et leur complexité. 

Certaines de mes œuvres ont pu être exposées à l'UNESCO durant la journée internationale du Vesak en 2018. 

Vedere più a proposito di Jagath Wickramarachchi

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Olio su Tela | 15,8x7,9 in
629,94 USD
Olio su Tela | 13,8x9,5 in
607,8 USD
Olio su Tela | 15,8x15,8 in
539,16 USD
Olio su Tela | 15,8x7,9 in
552,45 USD
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