Nietzsche's Green Room (2021) Pittura da Iv Nenashev

Acrilico su Tela di lino, 74,8x66,9 in
12.077 USD
Prezzo: Spedizione gratuita

Venditore Iv Nenashev
Spedito da: Russia (Tubo) Spedito entro 2 giorni - Potrebbero essere applicati ulteriori ritardi a causa della situazione attuale nel paese
Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni
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Resi gratuiti: Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni.
Ritorni accettati 14 giorni Artmajeur si impegna al 100% per la soddisfazione dei collezionisti: hai 14 giorni per restituire un'opera originale. L'opera deve essere restituita all'artista in perfette condizioni, nella sua confezione originale. Tutti gli articoli idonei possono essere restituiti (se non diversamente indicato).
Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Pronto da appendere
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 15 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Acrilico / Lacca su Tela di lino
  • Dimensioni Altezza 74,8in, Larghezza 66,9in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 20.000 USD Surrealismo
The painting "Nietzsche's Green Room" Interprets time, which through space changes a person. The mirror in the painting serves as a visualization and portal to time. In the looking glass is the past, when the participant only enjoyed and learned about the world, through art. In the green room, he is already a creator, a maker.[...]
The painting "Nietzsche's Green Room"
Interprets time, which through space changes a person. The mirror in the painting serves as a visualization and portal to time. In the looking glass is the past, when the participant only enjoyed and learned about the world, through art. In the green room, he is already a creator, a maker. He creates his world and is overwhelmed with feelings.

"What was it that so frightened me in my dream that I woke up? Was it not a child approaching me, carrying a mirror?
"O Zarathustra," the child said to me, "look at yourself in the mirror!"
When I looked in the mirror, I cried out, and my heart shuddered: for it was not myself that I saw in it, but the Devil's face and his sarcastic grin.
Truly, I understand too well the sign of the dreams and the warning of them: my teaching is in danger; the weed wants to be called wheat!
My enemies have become strong and have distorted the image of my teaching, so that my beloved ones should be ashamed of the gifts that I have given them.
My friends are lost to me; it is my hour to seek those I have lost!"
With these words Zarathustra arose from his bed, but not as a frightened, air-seeking man, but rather as a prophet and song-singer upon whom a spirit had descended. His eagle and his serpent looked at him with amazement: for, like the morning dawn, the coming happiness was upon his face.
What has happened to me, my beasts? - said Zarathustra. - Have I not been transformed? Has not bliss come to me like a stormy whirlwind?
Mad is my happiness, and, mad will it speak; it is still too young - be lenient to it!
I am wounded by my happiness; all who suffer must be my physicians!
To my friends may I descend again, and also to my enemies! Zarathustra may again speak, and give, and spread his love to those he loves.

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No art education. In the style of performance is traced avant-garde About my art: My Paintings are emotions in images. My emotions and impressions that live in their room, changing depending[...]

No art education.

In the style of performance is traced avant-garde

About my art:

My Paintings are emotions in images. My emotions and impressions that live in their room, changing depending on the experience. It's as if every moment, every second is a new room in the depths of memory. In these rooms there is a participant, it is you to whom the mind belongs and the artisans, the builders of the new stage, who change the color of the walls, the position of the doors and the volume of the room necessary to reflect how much emotion, in the moment of time, transfused its owner.

A creative path and perspective:

Participated in the exhibition "dom" St. Petersburg, "let's see" St. Petersburg, organized together with Nikolai Ten a personal exhibition "rooms". Resident of the gallery of contemporary art "badgallery" St. Petersburg.

Vedere più a proposito di Iv Nenashev

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Acrilico su Tela di lino | 74,8x66,9 in
Acrilico su Tela di lino | 66,9x55,1 in
Acrilico su Tela di lino | 78,7x74,8 in
Acrilico su Tela di lino | 47,2x39,4 in


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