Astral body. Energy of the sun (2021) Pittura da Ivan Klymenko


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Venditore Ivan Klymenko

Original oil painting by Ivan Klymenko. Оil on black canvas. The picture is made on high quality canvas, high quality paints are also used. In the case of careful storage, art will be stored for a very long time. A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione,[...]
Original oil painting by Ivan Klymenko. Оil on black canvas.
The picture is made on high quality canvas, high quality paints are also used. In the case of careful storage, art will be stored for a very long time.

Temi correlati

PaintingExpressionismImpressionismIvan KlymenkoFine Art

Tradotto automaticamente
ABOUT Ivan Klymenko is a contemporary artist. Currently lives and works in Prague (Czech Republic). Ivan Klymenko works in different areas of painting, such as realism, impressionism, expressionism,[...]

Ivan Klymenko is a contemporary artist. Currently lives and works in Prague (Czech Republic).
Ivan Klymenko works in different areas of painting, such as realism, impressionism, expressionism, abstractionism, figurative art, graphic art as well as a collage.
At the beginning of his career, Ivan tried to work with various artistic materials such as pencil, charcoal, pastel, sanguine, ink, watercolor, gouache, tempera, but currently he prefers to work with oil paints on canvas.
Ivan actively participates both in personal exhibitions and in group ones, he exhibits his works not only in the Czech Republic, Europe but also abroad. Over the years, certain series of paintings have been formed, each of which has its own name, under which the artist often organizes exhibitions.
Here is a list of names and in what directions of painting they are made:
My visions - realism, impressionism, figurative art.
Bright colors - expressionism.
Prague through my eyes - realism, impressionism.
The colors of my soul - abstract art.
Figurative art - realism, impressionism.
Graphic art - realism, abstract art.
Collage - abstract art.

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Olio su Tela | 63x74,8 in
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Inchiostro su Carta | 16,5x23,4 in
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Olio su Tela | 43,3x43,3 in
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Olio su Tela | 31,5x23,6 in
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