Opere d'arte originali delle barche in vendita

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Scultura intitolato "land boat on the wa…" da Branimir Misic, Opera d'arte originale, Metalli
land boat on the way* just one made - Scultura, 18,9x27,6 in ©2015 da Branimir Misic - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Barca, found art, land ship, under way, new old, unique sculpture, ships master, new life sculpture, new life artwork, outsider artwork, other world, on a road, other world artwork, brut artwork, raw artwork, brut sculpture, inspired artwork, in passage, action art, modern artwork, in transit

Branimir Misic

"land boat on the way* just one made"

Scultura - Metalli | 18,9x27,6 in

1.416,97 USD


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