Trinity (2021) Painting by Irina Sazonova

Oil on Linen Canvas, 51.2x51.2 in
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Seller Irina Sazonova

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork appears in 3 collections
The image of three identical or similar elements located at an equal distance from each other, forming either a triangular figure or a circle was attributed secret meaning and mystical properties. Some say that this is the past, the present and the future united by the ring of Eternity. Others are closer to the explanation that this is[...]
The image of three identical or similar elements located at an equal distance from each other, forming either a triangular figure or a circle
was attributed secret meaning and mystical properties.
Some say that this is the past, the present and the future united by the ring of Eternity. Others are closer to the explanation that this is a religion, knowledge and art in the ring of Culture. Someone interprets the meaning as the union of three qualities, phenomena, states, hypostases into a whole entity.
Three races - three titans depicted in the picture in the form of beautiful human bodies, reflect heritage of different cultures of the world community. Interlacing of hands are a symbol of the peaceful coexistence of peoples. Closed fingers testify about a mutual desire to isolate themselves from troubles, coming from outside.

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Irina Alekseevna Sazonova, a contemporary Russian painter, navigates the artistic realm with a figurative style infused with elements of romanticism. Her paintings are not merely[...]

Irina Alekseevna Sazonova, a contemporary Russian painter, navigates the artistic realm with a figurative style infused with elements of romanticism. Her paintings are not merely visual compositions but windows into her inner world, each unveiling a hidden meaning rooted in her life experiences and feelings.

Sazonova's artistic philosophy centers on the creation of beauty and harmony, aiming to infuse her works with a sense of calmness, thoughtfulness, lightness, and a gentle smile. Delving into the details of color and mood, she meticulously plans each painting to evoke a specific emotional response.

Working primarily with oil on canvas, Sazonova also incorporates mixed media, potal, and barn board into her creations. Her artworks consistently exude a sense of airiness and freedom, featuring flying draperies, feathers, and wings that define her unique aesthetic.

With a background in the advertising industry spanning over a decade, Sazonova's artistic curiosity extends to exploring various topics, reflecting a diverse range of influences in her work. Her educational journey includes earning a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from the Art and Design Municipal High School, with a specialization in Fine Art and a focus on the figurative style.

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