Sea Artwork (2023) 絵画 Irfan Ajvazi によって

ウッドのアクリル, 12.2x12.2 in

販売者 Irfan Ajvazi
発送元: ドイツ (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 2日内で発送
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, ウッドの アクリル / パステル
  • 寸法 高さ 12.2in, 幅 12.2in
  • アートワークの状態 仕事はとても良い状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満 抽象芸術 カラフル
Sea Artwork この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル アクリル 合成樹脂と混合した従来の顔料を使用してペイントします。 絵画 パステル [...]
Sea Artwork



Irfan Ajvazi (born 2001) is a Kosovan painter he received a Diploma in Graphic Design from Great Learning Academy in 2022. Ajvazi is, a figurative painter, crafts tender scenes that expose the intricate[...]

Irfan Ajvazi (born 2001) is a Kosovan painter he received a Diploma in Graphic Design from Great Learning Academy in 2022.

Ajvazi is, a figurative painter, crafts tender scenes that expose the intricate subtleties of life. Through his skillful compositions, he conjures a realm filled with unspoken narratives, intimate moments, and romantic gestures.

He is interested in creating work that frame the moments of our life in which this idea reveals itself to ourselves. 

Ajvazi is best known for his interior and exterior scenes, Ajvazi also paints still lifes, landscapes, figures and interior scenes. 

Alongside painting, Ajvazi makes incredibly detailed colored pencil drawings, in an all-consuming process of mark making. Unlike his paintings which transform throughout the making, the challenging medium calls for the compositions to be decided beforehand. 

Ajvazi puts a modern spin on figurative painting traditions. As an autodidact, he draws inspiration mainly from the Dutch Old Masters, who have proven to be his most consistent teachers. Ajvazi’s distinctive style began to take shape as he spent more and more time in front of the canvas.

Ajvazi draws from personal photographs, film stills, and references to art history.

Ajvazi has also worked in collage and drawing, often using colouring pencils.

Ajvazi has presented work in solo and group exhibitions internationally.

Irfan Ajvazi’s artworks can be found in major international collections, including the Fundacion Maceta, PiecePiece, Apricus Art Collection, The New Rebellion Art, Public Art Exhibit, Edelina Gallery, Tree Art Gallery.

He has participated in more than 10 group exhibitions and some solo exhibitions worldwide since 2020, including at VB Contemporary, Circular Art Space, The Holy Art Gallery, Dodomu Gallery, Galerie Biesenbach, Pearview Gallery, V-Art Union, Sfumato Art Gallery, PiecePiece, Omnibus Gallery, Make Art Gallery, Apricus Art Collection.

Irfan Ajvaziからもっと見る

ウッドのアクリル | 8.3x9.5 in
紙のインク | 12.2x12.2 in
ウッドのアクリル | 12.2x12.2 in
紙のアクリル | 15.8x11.8 in

