After storm 2 (2024) Arte digitale da Irene Nekrasova

Carta per belle arti, 8x8 in

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33,00 USD
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  1500 px  

1500 px
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  • Quest'opera è una "Open Edition" Arte digitale, Schizzo / Stampa digitale
  • Dimensioni Diverse taglie disponibili
  • Numerosi supporti disponibili (Carta per belle arti, Stampa su metallo, Stampa su tela)
  • Incorniciatura Framing disponibile (Cornice galleggiante + sotto vetro, Frame + Sotto vetro acrilico)
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Immagine generata dall'IA L’artista ha creato questa immagine utilizzando la tecnologia dell’intelligenza artificiale
  • Categorie Impressionismo Paesaggio marittimo
As the sun emerges, its rays illuminate the water in a warm and ethereal light, casting a golden sheen over the sea. The reflections of the sunlight dance on the surface, creating a sparkling and magical effect that adds a sense of awe and wonder to the scene. The sky transitions from stormy grey to a palette of pastel colours, with soft[...]
As the sun emerges, its rays illuminate the water in a warm and ethereal light, casting a golden sheen over the sea. The reflections of the sunlight dance on the surface, creating a sparkling and magical effect that adds a sense of awe and wonder to the scene.

The sky transitions from stormy grey to a palette of pastel colours, with soft pinks, and purples painting the clouds in a dreamlike and evocative display. The contrast of light and dark, bright and shadow, adds depth and drama to the painting, capturing the transformative moment when nature's fury yields to its sublime beauty.

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Hello, my name is Irina Nekrasova and I live and work in Moscow, Russia. I would like to express positive emotions in my artworks: things or people that inspire me. I’d rather not depict any social problems[...]

Hello, my name is Irina Nekrasova and I live and work in Moscow, Russia.

I would like to express positive emotions in my artworks: things or people that inspire me. I’d rather not depict any social problems or depressing things. There is so much anguish and misery in the world that people, to my mind, need more positive emotions to be able to overcome hardships of the modern world. Yes, I do believe in the saying by Dostoyevsky: “Beauty will save the World” …and love and kindness as well, I’d rather add. It is beauty and kindness I’d like to attract people’s attention to, not ugliness in all its aspects. 

I’ve been always interested in drawing and painting. But I started developing as an artist much later, when my children grew up and I had more time to myself. 

Over 12 years ago I decided to study art seriously at the school of academic drawing and painting. After training, attended painting classes with professional artists, applying the gained knowledge in practice and constantly improving my level of skill.

At the same time, I studied traditional Chinese painting Guo Hua (Xie-Yi) under the guidance of Russian and Chinese teachers, and subsequently used my skills, creating paintings in traditional and modern styles. 

Being an interpreter by education enabled me to travel a lot around many countries and continents, which satisfied my curiosity about the world and broadened my vision. I visited the best museums and got aquatinted with European and American Art where I could see the amazing works by well-known artists with my own eyes, was eager to absorb the majestic impressions of their skillful brush strokes.

I gave my heart to the Russian artists of the XIX and XX centuries: Aivasovsky, Kuindzhy, Roerich, Serov, Vereshchagin, and French impressionists: Manet, Renoir, Degas. I’d love to believe I took a little atom of skills from each of them.

Hence, I tried accumulating many cultural traditions and integrate tradition and our time to create my artworks. And new trends are also interesting to me.

I use oil and acrylics in my works. I love to experiment with brushes and palette knives, with different media. 

As I often use oil, the creative process can take quite long. First, I need to think over the whole composition, the theme, all the details and then start painting. The moment of applying colours onto the canvas makes me thrill: I wonder what the result will be. And sometimes it is absolutely unexpected.

Vedere più a proposito di Irene Nekrasova

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554 USD
Olio su Tela di lino | 15,8x15,8 in
554 USD
Olio su Tela | 19,7x19,7 in
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Olio su Tela di lino | 23,6x19,7 in
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