L’androgyne (2023) Painting by David Josset

Acrylic on Canvas, 45.3x29.5 in
Price: Free Shipping

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Seller David Josset

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 2 collections
Une autre toile vouée à la destruction…que j’ai recouverte en procédant à un collage d’une petite toile vierge où j’ai effectué le dessin du corps avant de laisser l’aventure se réaliser…puis j’ai pris le châssis de la toile découpée pour encadrer mon androgyne et harmoniser l’ensemble avec des morceaux de toiles recyclées que j’ai collé puis mon noir[...]
Une autre toile vouée à la destruction…que j’ai recouverte en procédant à un collage d’une petite toile vierge où j’ai effectué le dessin du corps avant de laisser l’aventure se réaliser…puis j’ai pris le châssis de la toile découpée pour encadrer mon androgyne et harmoniser l’ensemble avec des morceaux de toiles recyclées que j’ai collé puis mon noir et mon jaune ont lié ma composition.
Automatically translated
David Josset is a contemporary French painter. His artistic journey was marked by an unwavering commitment to his craft, where he regularly transcribed his creative visions onto[...]

David Josset is a contemporary French painter. His artistic journey was marked by an unwavering commitment to his craft, where he regularly transcribed his creative visions onto paper, bringing his drawings and sketches to life. During his high school years, David delved deeper into his artistic pursuits, immersing himself in an artistic section that would lay the foundation for his creative journey. This dedicated effort culminated in the attainment of an A3 baccalaureate, a testament to his budding talent and artistic promise. His unwavering commitment to the visual arts extended beyond his formal education, as he continued to cultivate his artistic inclinations during his university studies, ultimately propelling him into a career of artistic production.

However, the demands of the working world would come to impose an 18-year hiatus on his artistic endeavors. The creative impulse that had been stewing within him was never truly extinguished, and it ultimately surged to the surface, compelling David to rekindle his artistic journey. As an autodidact, he reconnected with his creative roots and set out to navigate the intricate pathways of the art world, primarily through the digital realm.

David's artistic mission transcends mere aestheticism; he seeks to elicit reactions, convey emotions, and stir feelings through his work. His visual artistic approach is grounded in the belief that art is a subjective experience, where the spectator is encouraged to form their own interpretations and engage with the art on a deeply personal level.

His artistic output is proudly expressionist, whether it assumes abstract or figurative forms. He resists confining himself to a particular style or established order, instead embracing the freedom to follow his artistic desires and impulses while transcending the influences that have shaped his journey.

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