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Inga Loginova

Artist (Painting)
Born unknown date

Inga Loginova, a contemporary Ukrainian painter, channels her artistic expression primarily into the realms of landscapes and still lifes. Her passion for these subjects is palpable in the intricate details she weaves onto the canvas, demonstrating a profound appreciation for the interplay of shapes, lines, colors, and paints. Throughout the creative process, Inga immerses herself in the act of painting, finding joy and admiration in the evolving forms that emerge under her skilled hand.

After the meticulous phases of varnishing and drying, Inga meticulously places her completed canvases into wooden frames, presenting them as finalized artworks for admirers. Notably, these frames, while enhancing the visual presentation, can also be omitted for those who prefer an unframed option.

Inga Loginova's artistic inspiration is drawn from the simple yet captivating elements of her everyday life. Her beloved cats and dogs, the charm of her garden, and the enchanting allure of the forest collectively contribute to the wellspring of creativity that fuels her paintings. Through her art, Inga invites viewers to share in her admiration for the natural world, offering a glimpse into the beauty and serenity that define her artistic vision.

Discover contemporary artworks by Inga Loginova, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: ukrainian contemporary artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2023 (Country of origin Ukraine). Buy Inga Loginova's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Inga Loginova. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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