Quattro (2009) Digital Arts by Johan Van Dreven (jovadre)

Digital Arts, 44.1x35.4 in
$1,709.12   $1,556.26
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Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Other rigid panel
This artwork appears in 8 collections
This work is HQ digital printed , glued on dibond and finished with a layer of acryllic. Equipped with a sturdy hanging frame. This work is from the the beginning of my abstract period. This one is completely digitally made. During this period I attended a few lectures on the origins of the universe. That inspired me[...]
This work is HQ digital printed , glued on dibond and finished with a layer of acryllic.
Equipped with a sturdy hanging frame.

This work is from the the beginning of my abstract period. This one is completely digitally made.

During this period I attended a few lectures on the origins of the universe. That inspired me to a number of works.
This one shows the light and planets in the universe.

Related themes

UniversePlanetsDigital MadeDigital ArtDigital Artist

History. In my youth I did not get to know art. In high school I developed a talent for working with color and shape. At the end of my adolescence, I destroyed my work. Desperate for not understanding[...]


In my youth I did not get to know art. In high school I developed a talent for working with color and shape. At the end of my adolescence, I destroyed my work. Desperate for not understanding my talent, I turned away from art.

After a  verylong road I started again.

Almost everyone thinks the female body is beautiful. Nude is often used sensually, provocatively.

My work shows that nude can be art, stripped of all sexual interpretations. I try to reinforce that with self-made backgrounds. I try to convey a message in my work by discovering the viewer for himself.

 After years of experimenting, I found my signature. The nude as a canvas, starts for a new creation.

I find inspiration in Naive art, Expressionism and Magic Realism.

Collaboration with models often takes several years. I prefer to work with dancers, gymnasts and acrobats, in recent years only naked.

I work very intuitively, I usually know the postures I want to capture. Only behind my PC / Photoshop does the creation take place. Usually a (slight) deformation of the posture first. Then looking for the color combinations. And finally creating a background.

This does not always work immediately, multiple edits are discarded.

I like to make backgrounds with different brushes. I also make extensive use of my archive. Coincidentally (???) I started photographing special backgrounds such as walls, murals, objects at an early age.

People are often asked how much time it takes to make a work. I don't know exactly. Do I have to include the photoshoot and the preliminary interview in terms of time? Sometimes I use an object several times as a background, each time edited in a different way.

There are many factual preliminary studies on Instagram. The experiments that led to the final result.

Exhibitions and art fairs:

Affordable Art Amsterdam, Brussels, Art Basel, London, Frankfurt and almost all Hilton hotels in Europe and Beijing, small museum Italy, participant atelier route Huizen.


See more from Johan Van Dreven (jovadre)

View all artworks
Digital Arts | 39.4x31.5 in
Digital Arts | 31.5x39.4 in
Digital Arts | 39.4x31.5 in
Digital Arts | 39.4x39.4 in


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