Deep in the Woods (2023) Painting by Herman Weinberg

Pastel on Paper, 16x20 in
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Seller Herman Weinberg

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Seller Herman Weinberg

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Pastel on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 16in, Width 20in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $1,000 Fauvism Forest
The was done with a limited pallet to emphasize the contrast between shadow and light. It is a view of a path through the forest. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Painting[...]
The was done with a limited pallet to emphasize the contrast between shadow and light. It is a view of a path through the forest.

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Herman Weinberg, a contemporary American painter, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and currently resides in Tampa, Florida. After dedicating 42 years to a career as a Physical[...]

Herman Weinberg, a contemporary American painter, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and currently resides in Tampa, Florida. After dedicating 42 years to a career as a Physical Education teacher and university professor, Dr. Weinberg embarked on a new journey at the age of seventy-five, deciding to pursue his passion for art.

Initially, Herman began his artistic exploration with graphite drawings before transitioning to working with color using pastels. His journey into the world of art was further enriched by the guidance and mentorship of a small group of professional artists who took him under their wing.

As Herman delved deeper into his artistic pursuits, he began entering competitions and exhibitions, where his talent and dedication were quickly recognized. His artworks have been showcased in numerous local, national, and juried exhibits, earning him awards ranging from "Best in Show" to special recognition.

For Herman, art is a means of storytelling, a way to share the moments that bring a smile to his face or provoke thoughtful reflection. Through his paintings, he utilizes light and color to narrate his experiences and perspectives, inviting viewers to join him on a visual journey of discovery and emotion

See more from Herman Weinberg

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Acrylic on Paper | 16x12 in
Pastel on Paper | 12x16 in
Pastel on Paper | 12x16 in
Pastel on Paper | 16x12 in


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