Modern Arabic calligraphy. Blue square (2022) Pittura da Guzel Khaib

Acrilico su Tela, 19,7x19,7 in
164,24 USD
Prezzo: Spedizione gratuita
Venditore Guzel Khaib
Recensioni dei clienti (3)
Spedito da: Kazakistan (Imballaggio in scatola o cartone) Spedito entro 2 giorni
Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni
Spedizioni in tutto il mondo
Transazione sicura al 100%
Resi gratuiti
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Resi gratuiti: Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni.
Ritorni accettati 14 giorni Artmajeur si impegna al 100% per la soddisfazione dei collezionisti: hai 14 giorni per restituire un'opera originale. L'opera deve essere restituita all'artista in perfette condizioni, nella sua confezione originale. Tutti gli articoli idonei possono essere restituiti (se non diversamente indicato).
Acquistare una stampa

Questa stampa è disponibile in diverse dimensioni.

30,71 USD
50,24 USD
104,51 USD
Recensioni dei clienti Eccellente
Gli artisti vengono pagati i diritti d'autore per ogni vendita

Venditore Guzel Khaib

Licenza digitale

Quest'immagine è disponibile per lo scaricamento con una licenza.

32,56 USD
130,25 USD
271,35 USD
Risoluzione massima: 2256 x 2256 px
Scarica subito dopo l'acquisto
Gli artisti vengono pagati i diritti d'autore per ogni vendita

Venditore Guzel Khaib

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
The painting "Modern Arabic Calligraphy" features a mesmerizing blend of traditional Arabic script and modern artistic expression. The striking blue square serves as a compelling backdrop, enhancing the intricate and dynamic calligraphic elements. Through a harmonious combination of fluid lines and geometric structure, the artwork captures[...]
The painting "Modern Arabic Calligraphy" features a mesmerizing blend of traditional Arabic script and modern artistic expression. The striking blue square serves as a compelling backdrop, enhancing the intricate and dynamic calligraphic elements. Through a harmonious combination of fluid lines and geometric structure, the artwork captures the essence of Arabic culture and symbolism.

The calligraphic forms seem to dance across the canvas, conveying a sense of energy and movement. The delicate hues and subtle shades bring a sense of depth and dimension to the composition, evoking a feeling of mystery and elegance. The overall effect is a captivating fusion of tradition and innovation, where the timeless beauty of Arabic calligraphy is reimagined within a contemporary context. This stunning piece invites viewers to appreciate the rich visual language of Arabic script while embracing its connection to the modern world.

Temi correlati

CalligraphyArabic CalligraphySilverSquareBlue

Tradotto automaticamente
Guzel Khaibullova is a contemporary Russian artist, born in Samara into a Tatar family. Works in the technique of original painting and Arabic calligraphy. As a Turkic artist, she finds inspiration in the people's[...]

Guzel Khaibullova is a contemporary Russian artist, born in Samara into a Tatar family. Works in the technique of original painting and Arabic calligraphy. As a Turkic artist, she finds inspiration in the people's love for their culture. Traditions play a huge role in her art - be it language, national cuisine or patterns that decorate interior items, clothes and shoes.

Her paintings are created in order not only to preserve cultural heritage, but also to convey warm memories of his childhood. She is inspired by the wealth of patterns, colors and shapes that surround her in the daily life of a modern Tatar woman. Guzel strives to bring new understanding and value of culture to the Turkic peoples through his work in art.

Stages of the creative path:

Since 2008, Guzel has studied drawing professionally. First, 4 years at art school No. 17 in Samara, after which she graduated from art school No. 1 named after Singer with honors.In 2019 she entered the budget of the Faculty of Architecture of the Samara Polytechnic University and graduated with honors in 2023.During her studies she worked as a graphic designer - artist, createdillustrations and branding. In 2021 Guzel worked in the Samara design artel as a creative director. Now the artist works in 2 directions: interior paintings with Arabic calligraphy and works in her own style, dedicated to the preservation of her Tatar culture and the culture of other Turkic peoples.

Exhibitions:- International festival-competition of children's and youth creativity and pedagogical innovations "Russian Cup in Artistic Creativity", 2020.- Interuniversity Student Olympiad in Painting, MARKHI, 2020.- XVIII ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF ARCHITECTURAL AND ARTISTICCREATIVITY FOR STUDENTS named after. V.E. TATLINA, 2020-2021

Vedere più a proposito di Guzel Khaib

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