Magnolia (2016) Fotografía por Gregory Prescott

Fotografía, 40x30 in
2.338 US$
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33,00 US$
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  1000 px  

1500 px
Dimensiones del archivo (px) 1000x1500
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Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 1
Magnolias are one of my favorite flowers. I reminds me of Louisiana, where my mother is from. I was taking a walk around the block with a model in my neighborhood in Los Angeles and we came across a magnolia tree. We went back to my place and did a quick spontaneous shoot. Sometimes the best images are not planned. All you need is the right subject[...]
Magnolias are one of my favorite flowers. I reminds me of Louisiana, where my mother is from. I was taking a walk around the block with a model in my neighborhood in Los Angeles and we came across a magnolia tree. We went back to my place and did a quick spontaneous shoot. Sometimes the best images are not planned. All you need is the right subject and perfect lighting. Collectors seem to gravitate to this photo. For me it's nostalgic.

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PortraitSouthProfileBlack ArtFlower

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I use my camera like a paintbrush, to create beautiful art images of the male and female face and form.  My mission is to diversify the cultural spectrum in fine art photography, with classic and timeless pieces.[...]

I use my camera like a paintbrush, to create beautiful art images of the male and female face and form.  My mission is to diversify the cultural spectrum in fine art photography, with classic and timeless pieces.  

I am a self-taught photographer currently residing in Shreveport, LA., but I lived in Los Angeles from 2002 to 2024 but also spent almost 4 years in New York City within those years.  My work consists of an array of photographs of portraits of men and women and the human form. I find it interesting to create art using live figures. In my photographs, one may witness the essence, sensuality, strong structure and power of the face and body, giving you a sense of connection to the model. I hope that with my photographs, people should be able to further extend their appreciation of the beauty and body of both men and women and see that all people are sensual, beautiful creatures. 


I try to bring more diversity in art photography, in race, gender, culture, body type, skin type and sexuality. There is a current movement that is long overdue, in showing more diversity in the media and I tend to expand that movement in art photography.  There is also a movement in acceptance to others and their outer appearance, culture and lifestyle.  As a Los Angeles based artist, I enjoyed incorporating nature and the outdoors with my subjects.  I love shooting natural light and what it does to the skin.  It gives my images a more relatable, pure and raw feel. It is important to me to show my audience and to broaden their view of what I find as beautiful.  I tend to work with a large range of models, from fashion models to art models and internet models, and it gives me an opportunity to exhibit the beauty in a larger spectrum of what we call human. 


GOD is the true artist. I am the channel.


Ver más de Gregory Prescott

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Fotografía | 30x40 in
2.338 US$
Fotografía | 30x20 in
1.308 US$
Fotografía | 30x20 in
1.058 US$
Fotografía | 30x40 in
2.338 US$


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