Two Partners: War Saw Cat & Old Owl (2024) Painting by Gordeco®

Acrylic on Canvas, 15.8x11.8 in
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Gordeco®

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Max resolution: 2626 x 3577 px
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Gordeco®

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 15.8in, Width 11.8in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract Colorful
„Two Partners: War Saw Cat & Old Owl” With a clumsy but effective yoke of fate, they hit the karmic nodes of unwanted, guilty and honored people, filling their measured modified path with new lessons and challenges. G O R D E C O 2024 [...]
„Two Partners: War Saw Cat & Old Owl”
With a clumsy but effective yoke of fate, they hit the karmic nodes of unwanted, guilty and honored people, filling their measured modified path with new lessons and challenges.

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They say I was very creative from the birth and was also cursed. And this curse was passed on from my great-great-grandfather, who did not share the land with a neighbor - local shaman. For the fierce enmity[...]

They say I was very creative from the birth and was also cursed. And this curse was passed on from my great-great-grandfather, who did not share the land with a neighbor - local shaman. For the fierce enmity and intransigence of my ancestor, the shaman brought curses on him and on 7 generations of descendants. Such a family legend was told to me by my great-grandmother, then by my grandmother and mother.

I didn't take it all seriously. For me it was something from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.
I just lived, studied, built a career, did business and created at the same time: I painted in oils, did graphic design, developed logos and corporate identity, web sites for my business projects.
One of my first creative business experiences was the publishing
of the offline magazine, where I combined the functions of a director and a designer.

But after graduating from university and receiving a diploma in international finance and corporate management, I professionally moved to build a career in the investment bank as a stockbroker. After working for more than 5 years in a comfortable & exciting position, professional burnout set in.
In parallel, I always started, tried, launched and closed small and medium businesses - those were far from always successful experiences. Trade, finance, tourism, construction and heavy industry

Further, as in some movie about the amusement park - a series of ups and downs. I hit the ceiling and then always followed a steep dive, along the way taking my health & nerves.
Pictures of that period were gloomy and depressing.

And just at that moment I remembered a family legend with a curse. The suppressed mind tried to find answers, to find the reasons for constant failures, life's turmoil and complete hopelessness.
I began to study the legend in detail, then to study the ancient shamanic practices, rituals, stories and experience of different peoples in the field of shamanism and spiritualism. The ancient Maya and Aztecs, the Shamans of Amazonia, the incredible experience of Carlos Castaneda, Zoroastrianism, Toltec teachings, Tao, Kabbalah, Shintoism and Buddhism... I soaked everything up trying to unravel my mystery. Or maybe I'm really cursed!

Years passed, I went through various training courses, purification rituals, worked out my karma, launched and strengthened the chakras, worked through my energy, learned to feel and work with external energies, and became initiated into various practices and techniques. And today I became the Master of ancient energy practices.

And yes, I was cursed & even more: my curse attracted many enemies into my life, attracted bad luck and blocked the full realisation of personality.
Now, having cleared all the negativity that has accumulated over the years, I have reached a new level of perception of life and the world around.

And yes, now I am ready and want to share my creativity, my vision of a beautiful and not always beautiful World, which I Love immensely, feel & convey to You.

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