Reflections (2023) Pittura da Goran Žigolić (watercolors)

Acquarello su Carta, 21,3x14,2 in
436,78 USD
Prezzo: Spedizione gratuita

Recensioni dei clienti (54)
Spedito da: Croazia (Imballaggio in scatola o cartone) Spedito entro 3 giorni
Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni
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32,52 USD
130,09 USD
271,03 USD
Risoluzione massima: 2502 x 3646 px
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Venditore Goran Žigolić (watercolors)

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 5 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Acquarello su Carta
  • Dimensioni Altezza 21,3in, Larghezza 14,2in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 500 USD Figurativo Nudo
allways challenge...human body...but not so simple....reduced palette, in fact one color...the reflection inspired me and pulled me further...into the painting deeper...that is the game i play with myself...and world around me....and,od course, colours....balance is the key....but how reach it, that is mistery....
allways challenge...human body...but not so simple....reduced palette, in fact one color...the reflection inspired me and pulled me further...into the painting deeper...that is the game i play with myself...and world around me....and,od course, colours....balance is the key....but how reach it, that is mistery....

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Tradotto automaticamente
Goran Zigolic - Ziggy (1966) was born in Croatia, city of Djakovo, Now he is living in the city of Zagreb., Infected with the pictures, images and all kind of things visualy from begining .. Of arts education[...]

Goran Zigolic - Ziggy (1966) was born in Croatia, city of Djakovo, Now he is living in the city of Zagreb., Infected with the pictures, images and all kind of things visualy from begining ..
Of arts education he is finished painting academy "Agora" in Zagreb .Also worked with other professional painters on nudes and basic drawing ... Last two years he's worked on the sculptures of used wood and old metal parts - ships.

But his main interest is in watercolors ,than drawings, charcoal and pencil .
The biggest concern of his are the people, the human body, the female nude, horses and cityscapes .. He's working on a variety types of paper ( variety of possibilities ,techniques and results ), often on 100% cotton, but also on celuloise paper, which has to be done very quickly,for instance, first touch and stop.The results can be so pure and sometimes better than on a cotton paper.No rules at all...Water is very unpredictable matter, but in a years painter can learn painting together with a's a game of painters mind, hand , and freedom of water...something that can give outstanding results , but it's a long, long way...

He belives that inspiration does not come by waiting on it , but by working through a lot of time spent in the work, sometimes things unconsciously merge into something very good, which is called inspiration. In that state of mind just for a moment dives ... and it will come again .... how often and when - you do not know ..
Monet says:“ “I would like to paint the way a bird sings.”..It seems that birds are in inspiration all the time...
He works every day (Nulla dies sine linea).. Amount of work and ongoing questioning ,mostly dissatisfaction leads to slow progress. That is a long process. He believes that the construction of personality is very important and must to be seen in the paintings , as well as maturation and life experience. Of course, with hard labor and love.

Painting is a way and need to see a world on another way ...honest, personal, but universal way.... maybe this world makes a little better place ...something that connecting every art....pulling out the all the good and prettiest of them...
Greatest watercolorists i learned a lot from are :E Seago, Winslow Homer, J.S.Sargent, H.Peckel, Z.Kauzlarić-Atač ,A. Mateš,S. Raškaj, J.Zbukvic..A.Castagnet...

Any interest on facebook under his name, or on the Artfinder web site. He's interested in comics, all artistically and visually..Member of „Croatian Association of Artists Zagreb“,"Group 69".
So far he has had seven solo exhibitions, and more than ten group exhibitions ..

Vedere più a proposito di Goran Žigolić (watercolors)

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436,78 USD
Acquarello su Carta | 18,9x13 in
381,49 USD
Acquarello su Carta | 21,3x14,2 in
436,78 USD
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426,83 USD


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